The booklet starts with a general overview of how illicit drugs and the environment are linked within the bigger picture of the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change and environmental sustainability. It highlights direct and indirect linkages and gives examples of the significant local and i...ndividual-level impact that drugs can have on the environment. This is followed by a more in-depth overview of the latest scientific evidence for plant-based drugs and for synthetic drugs. For plant-based drugs, for example, this includes an analysis of the relationship between illicit crop cultivation and deforestation. For synthetic drugs, it includes an analysis of waste composition, volumes, and dumping and discharge, as well as the relation with wastewater treatment.
How WHO works to prevent drug use, reduce harm and improve safe access to medicines
Agodokpessi et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2015) 8:12DOI 10.1186/s40545-015-0033-7
Benin established a revolving drug fund (RDF) for essential asthma medicines in 2008. We evaluated
the operation of the RDF and assessed whether there was interruption of supply of asthma me...dicine from 2008 to
Advance Copy
Accessed: 08.03.2020
Burkina Faso has approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and is divided into 30 provinces. The study took place in the districts of Tougan, Nouna, and Solenzo, in provinces Sourou and Kossi, in north-west Burkina Faso. There is one medical centre in every district capital and 6 to 14 health centres i...n the surrounding villages. Each health centre covers a population of 10 000 to 15 000. The staff of one health centre generally consists of one nurse, a nurse aid and a midwife as well as one drug vendor for the nearby village pharmacy. The health personnel are trained and paid by the state.
The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has been coordinating sector wide reforms that aim to improve equity and quality of health services. It is widely known that; the sector is growing in line the overall growth and transformation plan of the country and the sector is bein...g guided by the health sector transformation plan (HSTP). As part of these efforts, to achieve the targets set, the sector identified information revolution as one of the transformational agendas. In the meantime, Appropriate and timely use of health and health-related information is an essential element in the process of transforming the health sector.
Drug registration in Kenya started in 1982; the process mainly involves an evaluation committee at the Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) that aims to approve products based on quality, safety and efficacy.
The Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (EFDA) is mandated, in the proclamation 661/2009, to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines. To achieve this, the authority has been working on different regulatory activities. The medicine market authorization system is one of the top priorit...y areas that have been implemented. In addition to the dedicated assessors, the authority uses a national drug advisory committee for the assessment and registration of medicines.
Pharmaceutical News
Evaluation of Saccharide Content of the WHO 2nd International Standard for Haemophilus Influenzae Polysaccharide Polyribosyl Ribitol Phosphate (PRP) by HPAECPAD Analysis Following Acid Hydrolysis
Consultation Documents
Lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets (lami...vudini et tenofoviri disoproxili fumarati compressi)
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets (tenofoviri disoproxili fumarati compressi)
ATC/DDD Classification
The WHO Living guideline: Drugs to prevent COVID-19 contains the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for the use of drugs to prevent COVID-19. The latest version of this living guideline is available in pdf format (via the ‘Download’ button) and via an online platform.
Guidelines ...regarding the use of drugs to treat (rather than prevent) COVID-19 are included in a separate WHO document, Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline, that can via an online platform and in pdf format (or click ‘PDF’ in top right corner of online platform). Guidelines regarding the clinical management of COVID-19 patients are included in a further document, COVID-19 Clinical management: Living guideline, that can be accessed via an online platform and in pdf format (or click ‘PDF’ in top right corner of online platform).
Shown in blue is the estimated annual number of deaths attributed to drug use. Shown in red is theestimated annual number of deaths from drug use disorders. The difference between them is that theyrelate to indirect and direct causes of death, respectively.
Estimated annual number of deaths from drug use disorders per 100,000 people.
Estimated annual number of deaths from drug use disorders, by type of drug.
The core clinical symptoms of addiction include an enhanced incentive for drug taking (craving), impaired self-control (impulsivity and compulsivity), emotional dysregulation (negative mood) and increased stress reactivity. Symptoms related to impaired self-control involve reduced activi...ty in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), adjacent prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and other brain areas. Behavioral training such as mindfulness meditation can increase the function of control networks including those leading to improved emotion regulation and thus may be a promising approach for the treatment of addiction.
In a series of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), we tested whether increased ACC/mPFC activity is related to better self-control abilities in executive functions, emotion regulation and stress response in healthy and addicted populations. After a brief mindfulness training (Integrative Body-Mind Training, IBMT), we used the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and Profile of Mood States (POMS) to measure emotion regulation, salivary cortisol for the stress response and fMRI for brain functional and DTI structural changes. Relaxation training was used to serve as an active control.
In both smokers and nonsmokers, improved self-control abilities in emotion regulation and stress reduction were found after training and these changes were related to increased ACC/mPFC activity following training. Compared with nonsmokers, smokers showed reduced ACC/mPFC activity in the self-control network before training, and these deficits were ameliorated after training.
These results indicate that promoting emotion regulation and improving ACC/mPFC brain activity can help for addiction prevention and treatment.
Psychoactive drugs are substances that, when taken in or administered into one's system, affect mental processes, e.g. perception, consciousness, cognition or mood and emotions. Psychoactive drugs belong to a broader category of psychoactive substances that include also alcohol and nicotine. “Psy...choactive” does not necessarily imply dependence-producing, and in common parlance, the term is often left unstated, as in “drug use”, “substance use” or “substance abuse”.