Dispõe sobre orientações para identificação, investigação e manejo do evento adverso pós vacinação de miocardite/pericardite no contexto da vacinação contra a COVID-19 no Brasil
– векторною вакциною – (Janssen® від COVID-19 виробництва Janssen Cilag International/Johnson & Johnson)
Anamnese zur Schutzimpfung gegen COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) (Grundimmunisierung und Auffrischimpfungen)
– mit Vektor-Impfstoff – (COVID-19 Vacc...ine Janssen® von Janssen Cilag International/Johnson & Johnson)
In dieser Fokuserhebung wurde die deutschsprachige Erhebung durch Interviews in weiteren fünf Sprachen ergänzt. Damit wurden in dieser Erhebung auch Personengruppen erreicht, die in vorherigen Erhebungen aufgrund einer Sprachbarriere nicht erreicht werden konnten. Insgesamt liefert diese Befragung... daher Ergebnisse, die die Bevölkerung in Deutschland besser abbilden können.
La miocarditis es una enfermedad inflamatoria con compromiso focal o difuso del miocardio, que se presenta de forma fulminante, pudiendo ser aguda, subaguda o crónica.Las que poseen un nivel de gravedad suficiente para reconocerlas clínicamente, son raras, pero la prevalencia de los casos leves y ...asintomáticos probablemente sea más elevada.
This resource explains how WHO EUL COVID-19 vaccines without vaccine vial monitor or VVM should be handled at the vaccination site, to ensure that safe and potent vaccines are administered.
This document has been updated: 31 August 2021
Recommendations for the adaptation of Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) at temporary sites for COVID-19 vaccination. Draft Version 2.3, November 2021
Globally each year, millions of people suffer illness or lose their lives because the vaccines, medicines and diagnostic tests that they need are either unavailable or unaffordable – and this lack of access to medicine is acute in low- and middle-in-
come countries (LMICs). While the COVID-19 pan...demic laid this inequity bare, it also saw the pharmaceutical industry develop and bring new vaccines and treat- ments to market at unprecedented speed. As the world emerges from the worst
of this crisis, pharmaceutical companies are now at an important juncture, where lessons learned from the pandemic can prove pivotal in finding solutions to bridge long-standing gaps in access to medicine in LMICs.
This document aims to provide guidance to healthcare facilities and healthcare providers in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK) on preparedness and infection prevention and control (IPC) measures for the management of possible and confirmed cases of COVID-1...9 in healthcare settings, including long-term care facilities (LTCFs). In addition, this document addresses the management of clinical diagnostic specimens at laboratories in the EU/EEA. This is the sixth update of the ECDC guidance on ‘Infection prevention and control and preparedness for COVID-19 in healthcare settings’, and replaces the document dated 6 October 2020.
Weekly epidemiological update on COVID-19, 28 September 2022
This training module is designed to equip HWs with knowledge and communication skills to build their confidence and support them in their ability to promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination among other HWs.