методические рекомендации на тему эпидемиологические исследования паркинсонизма,
Developmental disabilities are common. Yet, children with developmental disabilities have been neglected in health systems planning and policy provisions for health and continue to experience stigmatization, institutionalization, barriers to access health care and inequalities in health and educatio...n outcomes.
Using findings from research and practice and guided by the tenets of international human rights conventions, this WHO-UNICEF Global Report on children with developmental disabilities provides principles and approaches to intentionally include the needs and aspirations of children and young people with developmental disabilities in policy, programming and public health monitoring. It makes the case for greater accountability and proposes 10 priority actions to accelerate changes towards inclusive environments and responsive multisectoral care systems for children with developmental disabilities.
Esta guía está enfocada en emitir recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas, como infección por Trypanosoma cruzi, agente protozoario de una parasitosis sistémica. Metodología: La presente guía de práctica clínica fue confeccionada siguiendo los método...s de elaboración de guías de la OMS (5). De forma general, se conformó un grupo desarrollador multidisciplinario compuesto por expertos temáticos, epidemiólogos, metodólogos y usuarios. Dado que no se identificaron guías susceptibles de ser adaptadas, la guía se desarrolló de novo.
Updated guideline, June 2019
Regional Tuberculosis Program, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
These Guidelines are intended to provide knowledge to the treating ophthalmologists, pediatricians, ocular oncologists, pediatric oncologists, and general physicians to arrive at an early diagnosis of retinoblastoma in the settings of district hospital, in private clinics and hospitals. The guidelin...es will enable the contact health personnel to refer at the right
time to the tertiary care hospital for management of retinoblastoma.
La enfermedad de Chagas es el resultado de la infección por elTrypanosoma cruzi. En Colombia, zona endémica para la enfermedad, existe al menos un millón de personas infectadas y tres millones en riesgo. Por lo anterior, el Ministerio de la Protección Social avaló la creación de una Guía de a...tención de la enfermedad de Chagas para el país.
Front Chem. 2021; 9: 622286.
Published online 2021 Mar 12. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.622286
General practitioners and pediatricians must know the signs and
symptoms of possible pediatric cancer.