PLoSONE 14(9):e0223104.
The survey centering on reasons behind community resistance was conducted in Butembo in November during a time of Ebola transmission. A researcher from Catholic University of Graben in Butembo and collaborators at the University o...f Alberta in Edmonton published their findings on Sep 26 in PLOS One.
To spark focus group discussions, the researchers used an 18-item questionnaire based on similar ones used during West Africa's outbreak in Guinea, where community resistance and episodes of violence also complicated the outbreak response.
Participants were a convenience sample of 670 adults from the region who were recruited by medical students at Catholic University of Graben. Those surveyed included clinicians, community members, and displaced persons.
Asia-Pacific Human Development Report
This study provides information about vulnerabilities within the targeted population and contributes to reflection within UNHCR on how to interpret their multisectorial Home Visit assessments. By exploring relationships between vulnerability indicators and other data collected, the report outlines k...ey trends and relationships. The report details predefined VAF indicators and then provides an in-depth descriptive analysis for each sector
Accessed January 2019, publication date unknown.
Очень часто дети это уязвимая под-группа внутри уже уязвимых групп населения. Поэтому необходимо, чтобы политики, гражданское общество и медицинские работники без...отлагательно обратили свое внимание на проблему борьбы с детским туберкулезом. Дети являются источником развития заболеваний в будущем, а продолжающееся бездействие приводит к потере многих человеческих жизней.
Accessed on 19.07. 2019
Проект ВИЧ/ТБ инициативной группы TAG призван способствовать повышению качества исследований, программ и рекомендаций для людей, живущих с ВИЧ и туберкулезом (ТБ).
This study looks at commitments made at the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) under the Grand Bargain and provides an overview of good practices on localisation approaches, provides a number of case studies from the regional response and makes recommendations on how to further strengthen leadership an...d participation of national and local actors within the response to the Syria crisis.
Research Article
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
AIDS Research and Treatment
Volume 2011, Article ID 621078, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2011/621078
Single TB and HIV Concept Note Albania 2016-2018 27 April 2015
BMC Medicine 2014, 12:196
Families and Societies Working Paper Series Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations
Carried out by humanitarian and human rights actors in armed conflict and other situations of violence
This guideline (third edition) constitutes a set of minimum but essential standards aimed at ensuring that protection work is safe and effective. The standards reflect shared thinking and common ...agreement among humanitarian and human rights practitioners
This resource presents "the minimum level of educational quality and access in emergencies through to recovery. The aim of the handbook is to enhance the quality of educational preparedness, response and recovery; to increase access to safe and relevant learning opportunities for all learners, regar...dless of their age, gender or abilities; and to ensure accountability and strong coordination in the provision of education in emergencies through to recovery...The INEE Minimum Standards are organised in five domains: Foundation standards; Access and learning environment; Teaching and learning; Teachers and other education; personnel; Education policy". Available in different languages: English, French, Arabic, Azerbajani, Bangla, Indonesia, Bosnian, Coratian, Serbian, Burmese, Chinese, Dari, Japanese, Nepali, Pashto, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese
you can find all 14 Technical Booklets on Inclusive Education, produced by UNICEF, in ENGLISH. Other versions can be found on the website Each Technical Booklet (and com...panion webinar) introduces a sub-theme of particular interest within Inclusive Education, and each was written by an expert, and peer-reviewed widely
Save the Children in Albania is establishing and strengthening structures and mechanisms which monitor and advocate for children’s rights, promote ways to protect children from all forms of exploitation and violence and also empower and support children and their representatives to meaningfully ad...vocate for implementation of their rights and influence decisions that bring about changes in their future lives.
An Illustrated Guide for Surgeons
Third Edition