March 28, 2017
PLoS Med 14(3): e1002274.
An update from the EU Early Warning System
SCOPING QUESTION:Which psychosocial interventions are effective in the treatment of psychostimulant dependence for adults and young people?
ATLAS on substance use (2010)— Resources for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder
Accessed: 14.03.2019
EMCDDA Insights - 11
Accessed: 14.03.2019
10th edition
The IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th edition provides detailed information on the estimated and projected prevalence of diabetes, globally, by region, country and territory, for 2021, 2030 and 2045. It draws attention to the growing impact of diabetes across the world and highlights proven and ...effective actions that governments and policy-makers must urgently take to tackle it.
The new guidelines provide public health guidance on pharmacological agents for managing hyperglycaemia in type 1 and type 2 diabetes for use in primary health-care in low-resource settings. These guidelines update the recommendations for managing hyperglycaemia in the WHO Package of Essential NCD I...nterventions (WHO PEN) for primary care in low-resources settings, reviewing several newer oral agents as second- and third-line treatment: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and thiazolidinediones. The guidelines also present recommendations on the selection of type of insulin (analogue versus human insulin) for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
New criteria for classifying and diagnosing hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy have been accepted by a group of experts convened by WHO. These new criteria are an update of recommendations published by WHO in 1999
What can you expect?
As a future facilitator your role will be to learn about the structure of mhGAP-IG, how to teach the materials and utilize opportunities to prastice facilitation and supervision skills.
As a supervisor your role will be to serve as a point of reference for non-specialized providers, supporting them in providing service for individuals with MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings.
The WHO Regional Office for Europe, the WHO Collaborating Centre on Culture and Health at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) and the National Institute of Mental Health (Czechia) convened a workshop on culture and reform of mental health care in central and eastern Europe on 2–3 October 201...7 in Klecany, Czechia. The aim of this workshop was to improve understanding of the key cultural aspects that impact and drive mental health-care reform in the central and eastern European region. This report outlines the key points and recommendations made by participants in relation to this objective.
World Drug Report 2018
World Drug Report 2018
Mood disorders
Chapter E.1
2015 edition
Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Chapter I.5
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Externalizing disorders
Chapter D.1
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder