Antibiotic resistant bacteria are spreading at an alarming rate and some bacterial infections may once again be untreatable. Antibiotic resistance (ABR), conservatively calculated, causes more than 500 000 deaths every year. This number is projected to rise dramatically if radical actions are not ta...ken. Lack of effective antibiotics, diagnostics and vaccines threatens the health of millions and hampers fulfilment of several of the Sustainable Devel- opment Goals. Access to effective antibiotics should be part of every adult and child’s right to health.
Evidence-to-Decision and Grade tables
Der jährlich erscheinende Kinderreport des Deutschen Kinderhilfswerkes berichtet über den aktuellen Zustand der Umsetzung von Kinderrechten aus Sicht von Kindern und Erwachsenen. Die Ergebnisse des Kinderreports liefern Impulse, Optionen und Handlungsvorschläge für politische Gestaltungsprozesse... im Interesse von Kindern. Die repräsentative Umfrage wurde vom Politikforschungsinstituts Kantar Public im Auftrag des Deutschen Kinderhilfswerkes durchgeführt.
The consolidated guidelines are expected to provide the basis and rationale for the development of national guidelines for LTBI management, adapted to the national and local epidemiology of TB, the availability of resources, the health infrastructure and other national and local determinants. The gu...idelines are to be used primarily in national TB and HIV control programmes, or their equivalents in ministries of health, and for other policy-makers working on TB and HIV and infectious diseases. They are also appropriate for officials in other line ministries with work in the areas of health.
This Module, Count me in! Inclusive WASH in Ethiopia, was prepared by Ethiopian authors with support from The Open University UK. It was first published in June 2018. The contributors of original material are:Girma Aboma, Manager, GAA Economic Development ConsultBethel Shiferaw, SPCC Disability Incl...usion Advisor, Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development
International Health and Human Rights (2018) 18:18
Disability awareness, Community, Attitudes, Experts-by-experience
RDP conducted a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs assessment in three areas (Bani Ahmed, Al-Aqiba, Al-Ahmol) located in Far Al Udayn district, Ibb Governorate (December 23th , 2017 to January 7th, 2018).
Immer mehr Studierende der Medizin verbringen Studienaufenthalte in den Ländern des globalen Südens. Der Nutzen dieser Kurzreisen für die Gastgeber ist umstritten. Eine Auswertung von Lehrevaluationen aus den USA zeigt, dass diese globalen Trainingslager auch einen heimischen Zweck erfüllen.... Sie sollen angehenden Ärztinnen und Ärzten zu stärkerer klinischer Selbstständigkeit und einem sozialen Gewissen verhelfen, das ihrem Heimatland zugute kommt. Die Erfahrung im globalen Süden wird so nicht zu einer missionarischen Hilfsaktion, sondern zum Korrektiv für Fehlentwicklungen im eigenen Gesundheitssystem.
In line with its decentralization principle, the Ethiopian Health Policy has achieved great progress in improving access to comprehensive HIV/AIDS services to the majority of the population. Both quality and coverage of services have improved significantlysince the initiation... of the free ART program in 2005. The role of health workforce in general and that of pharmacy professionals assumes a central position in these achievements. To further enhance accessibility and quality of services, capacity buildingof health cadres is critical. Therefore, this comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment training material is prepared with the primarily intention to build the capacity of pharmacy professionals at all levels so that they can contribute to the provision of HIV services.
The Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) has been coordinating sector wide reforms that aim to improve equity and quality of maternal and child health services. As part of these efforts, the ministry is also exerting concerted efforts to improve availability and use of quality... RMNCH pharmaceuticals. Management of RMNCH pharmaceuticals has had significant challenges such as poor availability of essential pharmaceuticals and wastages of valuable resources as pharmacy professionals were not demonstrating the required knowledge, skill and attitude towards availing the pharmaceuticals and ensuring their rational medicine use.
Ce guide sur la tuberculose résistante est un outil pratique destiné à aider les agents de santé à prendre en charge le malade du point de vue clinique et opérationnel en mettant l’accent sur la décision thérapeutique, la mise en œuvre et le suivi du régime court de 9 mois pour le traite...ment de la tuberculose multirésistante. L’Union Internationale Contre la Tuberculose et les Maladies Respiratoires (L’Union) est en première ligne pour la lutte contre la tuberculose depuis près de 100 ans et s’engage dans les aspects les plus innovants du diagnostic et de la prise en charge de la tuberculose.
Во многих странах суицид является одной из главных причин смерти среди детей и подростков. Одна из главных задач психиатрических служб – выяв-ление молодых людей ...з группы риска и предложение эффективных методов лечения. Данная глава содержит обзор суицидальности детей и подростков. Несуицидальные самоповреждения также будут рассмотрены, но основное внимание будет уделено суицидальным попыткам и завершенным суицидам. Обзор включает данные эпидемиологии, сведения о факторах риска и осо-бенностях этиологии, клинических проявлениях, диагностике, лечении и про-филактике. Поскольку акцент мы сделали на клинических проблемах, в этот обзор не вошли сведения о нейропсихобиологии суицидальности.
L’utilisation de ce guide permettra un diagnostic de qualité de l’infection palustre, gage d’une bonne prise en charge nécessaire pour atteindre les objectifs ambitieux du PSN 2016- 2020 Tous ensemble, pour un Sénégal émergent sans paludisme pour un développement durable.
These WHO guidelines which were updated in 2018, are valid for any country and suitable to local adaptations, and take account of the strength of available scientific evidence, the cost and resource implications, and patient values and preferences.
The 2018 edition of the guidelines includes the of the recommendation regarding the use of 80% fraction of inspired oxygen (high FiO2) in surgical patients under general anaesthesia with tracheal intubation and the update of the section on implementation. Between 2017 and 2018, WHO re-assessed the evidence on the use of high FiO2 by updating the systematic review related to the effectiveness of this intervention to reduce SSI and commissioning an independent systematic review on adverse events potentially associated with it. Based on the updated evidence, the GDG decided to revise the strength of the recommendation from strong to conditional.
A Project of the Joep Lange Institute July, 2018
Review Article
Granich et al. Int J Virol AIDS 2018, 5:043 DOI: 10.23937/2469-567X/1510043 Volume 5 | Issue 1