Mental and Social Aspects of Health of Populations Exposed to Extreme Stressors
Disaster Preparedness Training Programme
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book -4
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 4
UNAIDS/99.31E (English original, June 1999)
1st revision, April 2000
Non-Wood Forest Products 11
Traditional medicine and its use of medicinal plants is dependent on reliable supply of plant materials. The book focuses on the interface between medicinal plant use and conservation of medicinal plants.
Версия: 2
Дата: 10 февраля 2020 г.
Протокол посвящен выявлению и отслеживанию пациентов и их близких контактов в общей массе населения либо в условиях локального рас...ространения (например, в домохозяйствах, медицинских, образовательных учреждениях). FFX - основной протокол исследования, который должен быть использован при выявлении первоначальных лабораторно подтвержденных случаев COVID-19 в стране.
Для более целенаправленного подхода к конкретным группам и более точной оценки эпидемиологических параметров доступны три других протокола исследований
Les activités menées au cours de l'année 2022 ont été effectuées dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de coopération OMS -Burundi 2019 – 2023 et en accord avec les quatre axes stratégiques qui soustendent le Budget-Programme 2022-2023.
Ce Budget-Programme (BP) est issu du 1...3ème Programme Général de Travail (PGT) de l’OMS (2019-
Cette évaluation a trois principaux objectifs :
1 - Evaluer la qualité des données collectées par le système LP depuis septembre 2010 à septembre 2012.
2 - En fonction de la qualité de ces données, appuyer l’équipe terrain, basée principalement à Diapaga, dans l’analyse statistique ...des données, particulièrement des données nutritionnelles.
3 - Enfin, analyser l’ensemble du système de gestion des données existant et proposer des améliorations du système depuis la phase de collecte, de saisie, de traitement et d’analyse des données jusqu’à la valorisation des résultats et la dissémination des rapports.
L’enquête SARA a pour objectif d’évaluer la disponibilité, la capacité opérationnelle des services de santé au Bénin et la qualité des données du Système National d’Informations et de Gestion Sanitaires (SNIGS). Elle a été menée dans 788 formations sanitaires réparties sur toutes... les trente-quatre (34) zones sanitaires et les résultats suivants ont été obtenus
WHO-OHCHR launch new guidance to improve laws addressing human rights abuses in mental health care
Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) are jointly launching a new guidance, entitled "Mental health, h...uman rights and legislation: guidance and practice", to support countries to reform legislation in order to end human rights abuses and increase access to quality mental health care.
Human rights abuses and coercive practices in mental health care, supported by existing legislation and policies, are still far too common. Involuntary hospitalization and treatment, unsanitary living conditions and physical, psychological, and emotional abuse characterize many mental health services across the world.
The document contains a set of indicators that can be used for monitoring traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) systems in a country.
The core indicator set consists of 16 indicators that were considered essential and collectively able to provide information on T&CM inputs, processes and ou...tputs. A longer list of reference indicators is also available for countries that wish to monitor more indicators or that want to consider alternative metrics that would better suit each country’s T&CM situation, priorities and monitoring capacities.
Each core and reference indicator is accompanied by a set of metadata. This provides information on the indicator rationale, definitions, data elements (numerator, denominator and data disaggregation), frequency of measurement, and data sources. It is a guide towards more standardized data measurement as well as data interpretation.
This document outlines PAHO’s regional priorities for the year 2023 to sustain and scale up health emergency and humanitarian assistance in the Americas, with a focus on five priority countries currently facing a prolonged humanitarian crisis and recovering from recent acute emergencies: Colombia,... El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). These goals align with and build on the World Health Organization’s Global Health Emergency Appeal for 2023, its principles, priorities, and strategies.
The objectives of the meeting were:
1. To step up the commitment of national authorities and technical and financial partners toWHO’s elimination objective for g-HAT.
2. To share achievements, challenges and views on the elimination goal among countries and implementing partners.
3. To assess t...he status of critical technical aspects to be solved in research and development of drugs and diagnostic tools, epidemiology, vector control and animal reservoirs.
4. To define the mechanisms for strengthening and organizing collaboration and coordination among stakeholders.
Access to health workers who are fit for purpose, motivated and protected is a fundamental force of health service delivery and the achievement of universal health coverage and the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals. Data and knowledge of the distribution, skill mix and future d...evelopment needs of the health workforce can mean the difference between enabling or impeding health systems performance, inclusive economic growth and global health security preparedness and response
La néphrologie pédiatrique (NP) a connu ces dernières années des progrès impressionnants en matière de soins. Cependant, le plus grand défi dans notre continent africain est de fournir aux enfants atteints de maladie rénale l’accès à une prise en
charge spécialisée par des né pédiatriques ayant une bonne formation, ainsi que la possibilité d’avoir un accès abordable aux techniques modernes, aux médicaments efficaces et à des stratégies de prévention. En Afrique, le développement de la NP a été très lent et sans collaboration réelle entre les pays concernés, ce qui a renforcé ma conviction sur la nécessité d’amener les néphrologues pédiatres africains à œuvrer ensemble, par le biais d’un ouvrage commun, à mettre en lumière les données spécifiques de notre continent dans ce domaine.
This Global Plan builds on the previous edition, which laid out priority actions for 2018-2022, informed by global commitments member states endorsed at the 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB. The resource needs estimates from this Global Plan include resources needed for TB care and prevention and R&D into new tools. This Global Plan has already informed the Global Fund Investment Case and the 2022 G20 deliberations on TB. It will serve as a key document for inspiring and aligning global advocacy efforts, such as for the upcoming UNHLM on TB in 2023.
This policy brief aims to provide a review of the current progress on implementing the Malawi national action plan on AMR, identifies critical gaps, and highlights findings to accelerate further progress in the human health sector. The target audience includes all those concerned with implementing a...ctions to combat antimicrobial resistance in Malawi.