This booklet provides latest available estimates of the prevalence of depression and other common mental disorders at the global and regional level, together with data concerning the consequences of these disorders in terms of lost health.
Our analysis included 14 Asian countries that were estimated to have a total of 850,000 choleracases and 25,500 deaths in 2015 While, the WHO cholera report documented around 60,000 cholera casesand 28 deaths. We estimated around $20.2 million (I$74.4 m...illion) in out-of-pocket expenditures, $8.5million (I$30.1 million) in public sector costs, and $12.1 million (I$43.7 million) in lost productivity in2015. Lost productivity due to premature deaths was estimated to be $985.7 million (I$3,638.6 million).Our scenario analyses excluding mortality costs showed that the economic burden ranged from 20.3%($8.3 million) to 139.3% ($57.1 million) in high and low scenarios when compared to the base case sce-nario ($41 million) and was least at 10.1% ($4.1 million) when estimated based on cholera cases reportedto WHO
A tutorial for healthcare professionals
Exciting new treatment approaches make the management of hepatitic C one of the most rapidly developing areas of medicine. The Flying Publisher short Guide to Hepatitis C is an up-to-date source of information for physicians, residents and advanced medical students.
Why a 4°C warmer world must be avoided
Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Clinical Practice Guidelines
January 1010
HIV/TB workplace policy and Implementation Strategy
BMC Infectious Diseases 2012, 12:352/1471-2334/12/352
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Volume 2015, Article ID 752709, 7 pages