l’IMC et le gain de poids gestationnel sont des facteurs déterminants des risques de
résultats de grossesse, de la santé de la mère et de l’enfant. Cette étude analyse l’incidence de la
nutrition chez les femmes enceintes sur la santé néonatale au Bénin. Les résultats d’estimation... par les
équations simultanées montrent que le gain de poids gestationnel insuffisant ou excessif a des effets
néfastes aussi bien sur la santé de la mère que sur celui de l’enfant. L’étude montre que la majorité des
femmes béninoises étudiées, avec un IMC faible ou normal n’atteignent pas le gain de poids
gestationnel recommandé en fin de grossesse. La plupart des nouveau-nés de petits poids de naissance
sont nés de femme dont l’IMC est normal, ce qui renforce la théorie bien connue que l’IMC n’est pas un
bon indicateur de la malnutrition chez la femme enceinte.
Asthma is a long term illness of the lungs that causes the tubes that carry air into and out of the lungs (airways) to become swollen (inflamed) and produce lots of thick mucus.
In a person with asthma, the lung swelling (inflammation) makes the airways “twitchy”; this means they close easily... with certain things like viral infections, cold air, allergens, exercise, and smoke.
Over the past decade, the reduction of maternal mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean has shown signs of a marked slowdown and in some cases a reversal, jeopardizing commitments made at the global and regional levels and by the Member States themselves, including those established in the Sust...ainable Development Goals.
WHO strongly recommends discontinuation of the nerve tissue vaccine, and replacement with modern concentrated and purified cell culture derived vaccines (CCDV) and embryonated eggbased rabies vaccines.
These vaccines must comply with WHO criteria for potency and innocuity following satisfactory ass...essment in humans during well-designed field trials
This series of supportive tools are based on the WHO Therapeutics and COVID-19: living guideline. They are intended to provide supportive information for healthcare workers who are prescribing, administering and monitoring patients receiving nirmatrelvir-ritonavir for non-severe COVID-19.
Each year more than one million women are diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide over half of whom will die from the disease. Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death for women
As a Frontline Health Care Worker or a Vaccinator, you need to counsel pregnant women about the availability, value and precautions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. This note provides you with the information that you need to educate and support pregnant women so that they can make an informed decisi...on about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The note is structured in the form of questions-answers to make it easier for you to inform pregnant women and their families about the most important issues related to COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women.
Milestones in the treatment, care and support, Dec 2021
Q&A on COVID-19, HIV and antiretrovirals - Hỏi Đáp về COVID-19, HIV và thuốc antiretrovirals (ARVs)
The Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators is a standard set of core indicators prioritized by the global community to provide concise information on the health situation and trends, including responses at national and global levels.
This second (2018) edition builds on the previous ...work of the inter-agency working group that was commissioned by global health leaders to reduce reporting burden. The 2018 list of indicators contains modifications and additions to indicators and metadata elements to reflect the recommended health and health-related indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, including universal health coverage.
www.womenshealth.gov | 1-800-994-9662