Child Survival working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
As of June 2019, the number of Venezuelans leaving their country reached 4 million, with Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Brazil hosting the vast majority of Venezuelans in Latin America. The end of the first half of the year was marked by the announcement of tighter immigration measures in Peru ...and Chile, which triggered a significant peak in flows from Venezuela entering Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. In response to this, UNICEF Country Offices activated contingency measures and capacities for registration and provision of services were rapidly increased, in coordination with relevant authorities, to face the increased demand.
With focus on creating linkages between social cash transfer programmes and HIV services
Accessed: 21.08.2019
This paper aims to contribute to the reflection on effective practices to address protracted displacement, in support of the GP20 Plan of Action roll-out. It expands on the research conducted by Walter Kälin and Hannah Entwisle Chapuisat for the 2017 OCHA-commissioned study Breaking the Impasse: Re...ducing Protracted Internal Displacement as a Collective Outcome.1 That study provided a comprehensive picture of the impact of protracted internal displacement, as well as five country case studies in contexts of conflict and disasters.It also offered a road map for addressing such displacement through seven steps, including conducting joint analysis and defining collective outcomes.
SRHR, HIV AND AIDS Governance Manual
The objectives of NAP are aligned with the global action plan based on national needs and priorities. The emphasis is on One Health approach with all sectors especially human health, animal health and environment contributing towards minimizing the emergence and impact of AMR in Jordan.
The Ghanaian Cabinet approved the antimicrobial resistance (AMR)Policy and Implementation plan(hereafter referred to as the national action plan or NAP)in December 2017, whilst the country case study was in progress. This has set in motion the implementation phase for Ghana, which is a long awaited... event since the drafting of the Policy started in 2011. This case study, whilst limited in its ability to interact with all stakeholders, has identified entrypoints within the operational divisions of Ghana Health Services,as potential areas where the AMR policy platform may seek to embed AMR activities. Much work has already been done within Ghana to identify the key entrypoints within the various ministries and government agencieswhere AMR can be incorporated. These stakeholders already form part of the AMR Policy Platform which is the governance structure for AMR and have been participating actively in the development of the AMR Policy and NAP activities formulation.
In reviewing State Parties report on the implementation of the Charter, the Committee has identified children on the move as an emerging child protection issue in African, and therefore commissioned a study in view of making recommendations to tackle the problem in Member States. The Committee obse...rved that there were challenges with regard to upholding the rights and welfare of children on the move and that there are gaps on the type of protection measures and treatment that is be accorded to such children within our beloved Continent.
The study presents key drivers of the children on the move, migration routes, challenges faced by children on the move, policy and institutionalized content protecting children on the move and finally the way forward.
Lancet Global Health Volume 6, ISSUE 2, Pe146-e147, February 01, 2018
Research Article
BioMed Research International
Volume 2018, Article ID 9619684, 10 pages
This article provides an overview of the current and projected climate change risks and impacts to mental health and provides recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change.
Public Health Situation Analysis and Interventions 10 October 2017
This assessment is the first of its kind to be conducted in the south-eastern region of Myanmar. It is an important contribution to ensuring the full inclusion of women and children in Myanmar’s political, social, and cultural systems, with a specific focus on the issue of gender-based violence (G...BV) and its impact on these groups in south-eastern Myanmar. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is grateful for the participation of women, men, boys and girls from Mon, Kayin and Kayah States for sharing their views and experiences during the study.