Prise en charge des affections courantes de l'enfance. 2ième edition
Ce mémento est destiné aux médecins, au personnel infirmier et autres professionnels de santé responsables des soins administrés aux jeunes enfants au premier niveau de recours.
Il est conçu pour être utilisé pour les s...oins des enfants hospitalisés et des enfants vus en ambulatoire dans les petits hôpitaux qui disposent des services de laboratoire et des médicaments essentiels de base.
A Smart Phone and tablet application ist avaiable from the Apply or Google Play Store
Special attention is drawn to the following sections, which are particulary relevant within the COVID-19 context:
Chapter 4: information on cough and difficulty in breathing, pneumonia and bronchiolitis;
Chapter 10: information on essential supportive care including feeding, fluid and oxygen provision;
Annex 1: information on related practical procedures.
This Indicator-Based Pharmacovigilance Assessment Tool (IPAT) was developed as a comprehensive performance metric for pharmacovigilance and medicine safety systems.
Manuel de la sage-femme, de l’inf rmière et du médecin
Cette première édition de LNME constitue un grand pas dans la mise en oeuvre de la Politique Pharmaceutique Nationale. Le MSPP, à travers la Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et de la Médecine Traditionnelle, s’engage à mettre à jour la présente Liste Nationale de Médicaments Essen...tiels tous les deux ans et compte sur la participation de tous les professionnels de santé et autres parties prenantes.
It is estimated that around 2 billion people worldwide do not have access to essential medicines. Access to medicines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region varies among countries, depending on their income level and allocation of domestic resources to medicine and vaccine procurement. Access to safe a...nd effective antibiotics remains a major challenge, especially for low- and middleincome countries. Barriers to access include high prices for new products, weak regulatory systems, substandard and falsified antibiotics, shortages of essential antimicrobials and inefficient procurement and supply management systems.
A poster advertising oral rehydration salts (ORS) and zinc, part of the SHOPS mass media campaign in Ghana, was distributed widely to pharmacies and over‐the‐counter medicine sellers to improve caregivers’ and providers’ awareness of the new diarrhea treatment protocols for children under 5.
Asthma is one of the most common non-communicable diseases globally. This study aimed to assess asthma medicine use, management plan availability, and disease control in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood across different country settings.
This document updates the ARIA sections on the links between rhinitis and asthma. Relevant publications between January 2000 and December 2005 were included. Complementary and alternative medicine is not evaluated in this document since it has been published separately. Likewise, an update on pharma...cological therapy of AR was published separately. Therefore, in the therapeutical component of the current review we decided to focus on aspects related to concomitant rhinitis and asthma.
The aim of this review was to present new evidence related to major ARIA statements, either to support or to refute them, by bringing the most recent information in the context of the previous knowledge on this subject. Additionally, we looked for information that could potentially lead to novel statements.
More than 500 million people worldwide live with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Health systems today face fundamental challenges in delivering optimal care due to ageing populations, healthcare workforce constraints, financing, availability and affordability of CVD medicine, and service del...ivery.
Digital health technologies can help address these challenges. They may be a tool
to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 and reduce premature mortality from
non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by a third by 2030. Yet, a range of fundamental barriers prevents implementation and access to such technologies. Health system governance, health provider, patient and technological factors can prevent or distort their implementation.
World Heart Federation (WHF) roadmaps aim to identify essential roadblocks on the pathway to effective prevention, detection, and treatment of CVD. Further, they aim to provide actionable solutions and implementation frameworks for local adaptation. This WHF Roadmap for digital health in cardiology identifies barriers to implementing digital health technologies for CVD and provides recommendations for overcoming them.
Research globally has shown that metered dose inhaler (MDI) technique is poor,
with patient education and regular demonstration critical in maintaining correct use of
inhalers. Patient information containing pictorial aids improves understanding of medicine
usage; however, manufacturer leaflets i...llustrating MDI use may not be easily understood by
low-literacy asthma patients.
Using an inhaler is the most common and effective way of taking asthma medicines. If you’re NOT using your inhaler correctly, you might not be getting the full dose of medicine your doctor or asthma nurse prescribed because the medicine can’t reach your
lungs. Instead it might be hitting the of your throat, orstaying on your tongue or in your mouth where it won’t help atall.
Snakebite envenoming affects millions of people worldwide annually and is a significant source of mortality. Preventing and treating the problem is complex and requires collaboration among the fields of public health, medicine, ecology, and laboratory science. After being removed from the category A... neglected tropical disease (NTD) list in 2013, snakebite envenoming was reinstated in 2017 in response to antivenom shortages and advocacy from researchers and international NGOs. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) set a target to halve the number of deaths and cases of snakebite envenoming by 2030.
The purpose of this manual is to define a limited number of indicators that will objectively describe the management and use of antimicrobials in hospitals and to provide tools and step-by-step instructions for designing and carrying out an assessment of antibiotic use and management in hospitals. T...he indicators in this manual will complement the existing WHO (1993) indicators of outpatient antimicrobial use suggested in How to Investigate Drug Use in Health Facilities (including percentage of encounters in which an antibiotic was prescribed and percentage of medicine costs spent on antibiotics) and will address the need for antimicrobial indicators for inpatient conditions.
Un(e) infirmier/ière travaille dans le secteur des soins de santé et est en charge de certains types d'actes
médicaux et de soins aux patients. Il/elle exerce ses fonctions en concertation avec un médecin ou les exécute de sa propre initiative si la situation relève de l’urgence vitale. Le ...domaine professionnel de l’infirmier/ière est large et varié. C’est pourquoi il existe différentes spécialisations. L’infirmier/ière en pédiatrie et néonatologie est responsable des soins et de la prise
en charge des enfants malades âgés de 0 à 15 ans.
The Multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (2011) was developed to assist in the teaching of patient safety in universities and schools in the fields of dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing and pharmacy. It also supports the on-going training of all health care professionals.
The C...urriculum Guide is comprised of two parts. Part A is a teachers’ guide designed to introduce patient safety concepts to educators. It relates to building capacity for patient safety education, programme planning and design of the courses. Part B provides all-inclusive, ready-to-teach, topic-based patient safety courses that can be used as a whole, or on a per topic basis. There are 11 patient safety topics, each designed to feature a variety of ideas and methods for patient safety learning. Universities are encouraged to start with Part A which provides comprehensive advice on how to introduce and build patient safety courses.
Ukraine has four operational nuclear power plants (NPPs) containing 15 nuclear reactors, as well as two research nuclear reactors, radioactive waste disposal facilities, radioactive sources used in medicine and industry, and Chernobyl NPP that was decommissioned after the 1986 accident but still hos...ts two storages for an old spent nuclear fuel units.
Artillery shelling and fires may damage the safety systems and critical supply services of those installations. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) has been providing daily updates to the IAEA and the global community on the situation related to the nuclear installations in Ukraine.
Find information on health conditions, wellness issues, and more in easy-to-read language on MedlinePlus, the up-to-date, trusted health information site from the NIH and the National Library of Medicine.
Learn about the composition and delivery mechanism for the new classes of COVID-19 vaccines based on adenovirus from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca with Dr. Jonathan Genzen, COO of ARUP Laboratories and an Associate Professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is evaluating potential COVID-19 treatments and vaccines to enable promising medicines to reach patients as soon as possible. It is also interacting with medicine developers and making use of real-world data to monitor the safety and effectiveness of medicines use...d in patients with COVID-19.
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Recommendations from the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
(This g...uideline was simultaneously published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal on November 6, 2013.)