In the last quarter century, several projects emerged to reform mental health services in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Some did not survive the difficulties that inevitably arise in processes of change, and ended up disappearing before the intended changes could be introduced. Others, how...ever, as shown in this publication, were able to overcome difficulties and meet intended objectives, effectively transforming the structure and quality of services. All these projects, including the many that did not survive, were part of one of the richest experiences in the transformation of mental health care worldwide - the experience of mental health reform in Latin America and the Caribbean
This manual is for the beginner/intermediate and advanced EHA courses run by Channel Research on behalf of ALNAP. It is supported by a course specific set of case studies and exercises and by a bibliography of evaluation references
A Toolbox of Conflict Sensitive Indicators.
This toolbox adapts a sample of 15 indicators from the SPHERE Project's Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response to be even more conflict sensitive while remaining practical and user-friendly
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 4
No publication year indicated.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 5
No publication year indicated.
A community-based approach.
These guidelines focus on manmade rather than natural disasters, but our experiences in India, El Salvador and Pakistan (earthquake interventions), and following the 2004 tsunami, cyclone Nargis in 2008 and the Haiti earthquake in 2010, showed that the principles describ...ed also work well in contexts of natural disasters.
UNAIDS/WHO Working group
HIV/AIDS and STI surveillance 2015 / Reference
Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection
Accessed: 26.02.2020
Supplement Article
WHO Guidelines for HIV PEP • CID 2015:60 (Suppl 3), S161 - S164