For biological agents, the publication covers 11 bacteria,
fungi and viruses listed by states parties to the Biological
Weapons Convention in declarations of past offensive
research and development programmes, or considered of
special concern for possible use in terrorism. All of these
agents cause natural disease in humans, though with
markedly different frequency.
Specific Objectives
• To increase the knowledge and awareness of personnel on chemical management.
• To educate the personnel on the potential adverse health effects of chemical exposure.
• To educate the personnel on the existing laws pertaining to handling of hazardous
• To... promote safe and healthy work practices among personnel during chemical handling.
• To guide the personnel on transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
TEP UP Technical Working Paper
Sub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine: Year : 2014 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-14
Response to the tropical cyclone in southern Africa
Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Meningitis outbreak in Togo
Lassa fever outbreak in Liberia.
Risk assessment and priority interventions
Report on Main Findings
The review encompasses three complementary components: 1) a review of published literature 2000-2015 on NCDs and their risk factors; 2) qualitative interviews with key actors engaged in NCD research in Myanmar; and 3) additional reviews of Myanmar ethical committee inqui...ries and postgraduate research on NCDs in Myanmar. This report outlines the key findings from the three components including a synthesis of the key outcomes from the literature review and qualitative interviews, and an assessment of the gaps in the evidence against a framework of evidence needs.
El objetivo fue determinar cuáles son las percepciones de distintos actores del sistema de salud
colombiano sobre los problemas del sistema que están detrás de la crisis. Se realizó un estudio
cualitativo a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad con cuarenta agentes del
sect...or salud, en Bogotá, Cali, Ibagué, Espinal y Calima-Darién. Los resultados mostraron que la
corrupción, el incumplimiento de normas y los conflictos entre los intereses de diversos actores
del sistema debilitan la legitimidad de este último, atomizan la cooperación y cohesión de los
actores y fortalecen el interés particular.
Supplement Article
WHO Guidelines for HIV PEP • CID 2015:60 (Suppl 3), S161 - S164