Gambiense human African trypanosomiasis is a deadly infectious disease affecting West and Central Africa, South Sudan and Uganda, and transmitted between humans by tsetse flies. The disease has caused several major epidemics, the latest one in the 1990s. Thanks to recent innovations such as rapid di...agnostic tests for population screening, a single-dose oral treatment and a highly efficient vector control strategy, interruption of transmission of the causative parasite is now within reach. If indeed gHAT has an exclusively human reservoir, this could even result in eradication of the disease. Even if there were an animal reservoir, on the basis of epidemiological data, it plays a limited role. Maintaining adequate postelimination surveillance in known historic foci, using the newly developed tools, should be sufficient to prevent any future resurgence.
This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations on parenting interventions for parents and caregivers of children aged 0–17 years that are designed to reduce child maltreatment and harsh parenting, enhance the parent–child relationship, and prevent poor mental health among parents and emo...tional and behavioural problems among children.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Türkiye near the northern
border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many aftershocks
continue to be felt across the region. Whilst the impact is still being ass...essed, initial reports evidence significant
damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In the early morning of 6 February 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye near the
northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. Many
aftershocks are still being felt across the region. Whilst the impact is still assessed, initial reports evidence
significant damage in the areas of southern Türkiye and northern Syria.
In response, the Syria Ministry of Health (MoH) activated its emergency operations centre (EOC) on 6 Feb 2023
under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister. In all affected governorates, public and private health facilities
and medical convoys have been repurposed to support the response and are being managed by the National
Ministry of Health (MoH) and Directorate of Health (DoH) at governorate level. Support has been directed to
affected areas, with medical convoys including 28 ambulances and 7 mobile clinics, deployed from the health
directorates of Damascus, Rural Damascus, Quneitra, Homs, Tartous, Aleppo and Latakia
El maltrato infantil incluye la perpetración de violencia física, sexual y psicológica o emocional, y el descuido de bebés, niños, niñas y adolescentes de 0 a 17 años por parte de progenitores, cuidadores y otras figuras de autoridad, con mayor frecuencia en el hogar, pero también en entorno...s como escuelas y orfanatos. Es un problema importante de salud pública y
una violación de los derechos humanos fundamentales, incluido el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la protección contra todas las formas de violencia y el derecho al goce del grado más alto posible de salud. El maltrato infantil puede tener consecuencias negativas graves y, a menudo, de por vida para la salud mental y física, la salud sexual y reproductiva, el desempeño
académico y la vida social.
This is an e-learning module with the objective of providing education for health professionals and pregnant women using published results and studies based on COVID-19 surveillance data, which have indicated an increased risk among pregnant women of presenting with severe forms of COVID-19 and, the...refore, of being hospitalized and admitted to intensive care units.
Every day in 2020, approximately 800 women died from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth - meaning that a woman dies around every two minutes.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 3.1 is to reduce maternal mortality to less than 70 maternal deaths per 100 000 live births by ...2030.
The United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) – comprising WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Bank Group and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (UNDESA/Population Division) has collaborated with external technical experts on a new round of estimates covering 2000 to 2020. The estimates represent the most up to date, internationally-comparable MMEIG estimates of maternal mortality, using refined input data and methods from previous rounds.
The report presents internationally comparable global, regional and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2020.
An interregional meeting on leishmaniasis among neighbouring endemic
countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, African and European regions was organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean in Amman, Jordan, from 23 to 25 September 2018. The meeting attended by representatives from the health ministries of Albania, Georgia, Greece, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. Representatives from Afghanistan, Algeria and Libya were unable to attend. The Secretariat comprised staff from WHO headquarters, WHO regional offices in the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe, WHO country offices in Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen, and WHO temporary advisors from Spain and Tunisia.
Despite a historical association with poor tolerability, a comprehensive review on safety of antileishmanial chemotherapies is lacking. We carried out an update of a previous systematic review of all published clinical trials in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) from 1980 to 2019 to document any reported ...serious adverse events (SAEs).
Un évènement de santé publique grave (PHE) consiste en une flambée quelconque ou en toute
autre situation en évolution rapide qui peut avoir un impact négatif sur la santé humaine et exiger
une évaluation et des actions immédiates. Le terme prend en compte tout évènement n’ayant pas
...encore entraîné la maladie chez l’homme mais susceptible de la causer à travers une exposition à
des environnements, des produits manufacturés, des animaux, de l’eau ou de la nourriture infectés
ou contaminés. Le Règlement sanitaire international (2005) entend par «risque pour la santé
publique», «la probabilité d’un événement qui peut nuire à la santé des populations humaines,
plus particulièrement d’un événement pouvant se propager au niveau international ou présenter
un danger grave et direct.»
Le présent manuel a pour but de fournir des orientations concernant la conception,
l’organisation et l’évaluation d’un cours visant à établir et à renforcer les capacités des
personnels de santé pour qu’ils puissent prendre en charge les patients ophtalmiques dans
les établissemen...ts de soins de santé primaires dans la Région africaine. Le cours s’inscrit dans
le cadre du perfectionnement professionnel continu au sens le plus large du terme. Son
contenu met l’accent sur des pratiques simples fondées sur des données factuelles que l’on
peut facilement appliquer dans des établissements de soins de santé primaires partout en
Recommandations formalisées d'experts
Le syndrome respiratoire aigu provoqué par le coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), initialement décrit en Chine, est responsable
de la pandémie que nous connaissons actuellement sous le nom de coronavirus disease 2019 ou COVID-19. L'épidémie de
coronavirus a été déclarée « urgence de santé publi...que mondiale » par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) le 30 janvier 2020 . L'Afrique a été atteinte plus tard que les autres continents, mais à la date du 3 mai, tous les pays africains
avaient notifié au moins un cas. À la date du 09 juin 2020, l'Afrique comptait près de 200 000 cas confirmés, plus de
5000 décès, avec 25 pays ayant plus de 1000 cas actifs. Les patients atteints par ce virus peuvent développer des symptômes allant jusqu'à l'insuffisance respiratoire aiguë sévère
Leptospirosis, a spirochaetal zoonosis, occurs in diverse epidemiological settings and affects vulnerable populations, such as rural subsistence farmers and urban slum dwellers. Although leptospirosis is a life-threatening disease and recognized as an important cause of pulmonary haemorrhage syndrom...e, the lack of global estimates for morbidity and mortality has contributed to its neglected disease status
La Stratégie de riposte face à la résistance aux antipaludiques en Afrique est un document technique de sensibilisation qui se fonde sur les bases factuelles les plus solides dont on dispose et vise à réduire au maximum la menace et l’impact de la résistance aux antipaludiques de Plasmodium ...falciparum en Afrique. Elle a pour objectifs i) d’améliorer la détection de la résistance et d’assurer une riposte en temps utile ; ii) de retarder l’émergence de la résistance à l’artémisinine et aux médicaments associés utilisés dans les combinaisons thérapeutiques à base d’artémisinine (CTA) ; et iii) de freiner la sélection et la propagation des parasites résistants là où une pharmacorésistance est confirmée. Si la Stratégie cible l’Afrique, il convient de noter que la
menace de la résistance aux antipaludiques concerne tous les pays d’endémie palustre et que les interventions proposées dans le présent document sont applicables dans d’autres régions géographiques à condition d’être adaptées aux spécificités locales.
Scabies is a skin infection that is a result of direct skin to skin contact and is primarily mediated by close and extended contact with scabies infested person. Scabies occurs worldwide among people of all ages, races, genders and social classes and has been identified as a neglected tropical infec...tious disease. Globally, it affects more than 130 million people at any time.
This project aimed to reduce the risk of vector-borne infection with Chagas disease by
controlling triatomine bugs, the vectors transmitting the parasite of Chagas disease, and
establishing an epidemiological surveillance system with community participation.