Dissertationsubmitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Brunel University
A comprehensive summary of mental health research, providing a unique handbook of key facts and figures, covering all key areas of mental health
Other disorders Chapter H.1
Mood disorders
Chapter E.3
2016 edition
Depression is a leading cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide, with a lifetime prevalence of 9% among European adult men and 17% among European adult women.
The task at hand requires substantial investments in preventive mental health care, but the potential benefits can be equally rewarding.... After all, mental wellbeing is a key resource for learning, productivity, participation and inclusion. Investing in proactive care to promote, protect and sustain mental health in the population is therefore likely to offer good value for money.
This document updates the 2009 ECDC guidance on chlamydia control in Europe. It was developed by a technical expert group which conducted a critical review of the scientific evidence on the epidemiology of chlamydia and the effectiveness of screening programmes.
The aim of this guidance is to suppo...rt Member States to develop, implement or improve strategies for chlamydia control. This guidance describes the current evidence base behind the proposed options, highlights key gaps in knowledge, and suggests effective options for national chlamydia control strategies. It is directed primarily at policy advisors but should also be useful for programme managers and experts in sexual health.
Psychoactive substance use affects the functioning of the brain and leads to impaired driving
This manual for developing national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance has been developed at the request of the World Health Assembly to assist countries in the initial phase of developing new, or refining existing national action plans in line with the
strategic objectives of the Glo...bal Action Plan. It proposes an incremental approach that countries can adapt to the specific needs, circumstances and available resources of each individual country. Details of actions to be taken will vary according to national contexts.
Naicker et al. BMC Palliative Care (2016) 15:41 DOI 10.1186/s12904-016-0114-7
Program Report for Collaborative Agreement: DFD-A-00-08-00309-00 September 30, 2008 -December 31, 2015