Orientação provisória, 6 de abril de 2020
Este documento resume as recomendações da OMS para o uso racional de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) em unidades de saúde e na assistência domiciliar, bem como no manuseio de cargas; avalia também a situação atual da cadeia de abastec...imento global e as considerações para tomada de decisão durante desabastecimentos graves de EPIs.Este documento não inclui recomendações para membros da comunidade em geral. Clique aqui para mais informações sobre recomendações da OMS para uso de máscara na comunidade em geral.Nesse contexto, EPIs incluem luvas, máscaras faciais cirúrgicas/de uso médico - aqui denominadas “máscaras cirúrgicas”, óculos de proteção, protetor facial do tipo face shield, e aventais, bem como itens para procedimentos específicos - respiradores com máscara facial de filtração (padrão N95 ou PFF2 ou PFF3 ou equivalente) - aqui denominados “respiradores” - e capotes
Esta nota de instrução resume as principais considerações em Saúde Mental e Apoio Psicossocial (SMAPS) referen-tes ao novo surto de coronavírus (COVID-19). Este documento foi atualizado pela última vez em 17 de março de 2020.
Concentrations of the major greenhouse gases, CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O, continued to increase despite the temporary reduction in emissions in 2020 related to measures taken in response to COVID-19.
2020 was one of the three warmest years on record. The past six years, including 2020, have been the si...x warmest years on record. Temperatures reached 38.0 °C at Verkhoyansk, Russian Federation on 20 June, the highest recorded temperature anywhere north of the Arctic Circle.
The trend in sea-level rise is accelerating. In addition, ocean heat storage and acidification are increasing, diminishing the ocean’s capacity to moderate climate change.
interim Guidance 1 December 2020. Updated version
This document provides updated guidance on mask use in health care and community settings, and during home care for COVID-19 cases. It is intended for policy makers, public health and infection prevention and control professionals, health care manag...ers and health workers.
The Annex provides advice on how to manufacture non-medical masks. It is intended for those making non-medical masks at home and for mask manufacturers
Временные руководящие принципы 1 декабря 2020 года. Обновленная версия
В этом документе представлено обновленное руководство по использованию масок в медицинских ...чреждениях и в общественных местах, а также при уходе за больными КОВИД-19 на дому. Он предназначен для разработчиков политики, специалистов в области общественного здравоохранения и профилактики и контроля инфекций, менеджеров здравоохранения и медицинских работников.
Приложение содержит рекомендации по изготовлению немедицинских масок. Оно предназначено для тех, кто производит немедицинские маски на дому и для производителей масок.
Nota INformatIva Nº 13/2020 - SE/GaB/SE/mS
September 2020
Instructional Manual for the care of pregnant and postpartum women in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
Este Manual de Recomendações para a Assistência à Gestante e Puérpera visa orientar o acesso e a horizontalidade da assistência durante a pandemia Covid-19, abordando as vias de transmis...são, o diagnóstico precoce e o adequado manejo das gestantes e puérperas nas diversas fases da infecção, definindo diretrizes que evitem a morbimortalidade materna e os agravos ao concepto.
El Salvador's response to tuberculosis control: A sustainability analysis
The Trends and Developments report presents a top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Europe, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. Together with the online Statistical Bulletin and 30 Country Drug Reports, it makes up the 2019 European Drug ...Report package.
Available in different languages: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/edr/trends-developments/2019_en
At present at least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. The world faces considerable challenges in terms of eye care, including inequalities in the coverage and qua...lity of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services; a shortage of trained eye care service providers; and poor integration of eye care services into health systems, among others. The World report on vision aims to address these challenges and galvanize action.
Zero new HIV infections
Zero Discrimination
Zero AIDS related deaths
Accessed: 04.10.2019