CIPH Curriculum for Best Practices. Putting Principles to Work
This Global Plan builds on the previous edition, which laid out priority actions for 2018-2022, informed by global commitments member states endorsed at the 2018 United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB. The resource needs estimates from this Global Plan include resources needed for TB care and prevention and R&D into new tools. This Global Plan has already informed the Global Fund Investment Case and the 2022 G20 deliberations on TB. It will serve as a key document for inspiring and aligning global advocacy efforts, such as for the upcoming UNHLM on TB in 2023.
Global Qualitative Nursing Research March 31, 2021 Research Article Find in PubMed
This guidance note identifies strategic action for policy-makers and managers at the national, subnational and facility level to address these different challenges.
Eine Stellungnahme des DZK in Zusammenarbeit mit FZB, DGI, DGPI, GPP, DGGG, DRG und DGMP
Pneumologie 2016; 70: 777–780
Cовершенствование теоретических знаний и практических навыков по вопросам диагностики и лечения туберкулеза с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ) ми...кобактерий.
WaterAid is an international NGO that provides assistance for safe water supply,
sanitation and hygiene practice in the poor communities in the world.
May 17,2022 MEDBOX Issue Brief no.21
1 February 2021 to 31 January 2022
A guide for civil society
Accessed: 30.01.2020