The application of digital health technology is growing at a rapid rate in Africa, with the goals of improving the delivery of healthcare services and more effectively reaching out to remote and underserved communities. The lack of enabling guidelines and standards across the continent, on the other... hand, makes it difficult to share data in a meaningful way across the continent.
Considering this, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) established a task force of 24 members to provide expertise and guidance in the development of AU HIE guidelines and standards. Members of the task force were subject matter experts working in Africa and internationally on the collection, analysis, and exchange of health information. Some of these experts had been involved in previous consultations on defining Africa CDC’s health information systems strategy. A chairperson, co-chairperson, and secretary were elected to engage the task force members in different technical working groups.
The application of digital health technology is growing at a rapid rate in Africa, with the goals of improving the delivery of healthcare services and more effectively reaching out to remote and underserved communities. The lack of enabling guidelines and standards across the continent, on the other... hand, makes it difficult to share data in a meaningful way across the continent.
Considering this, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) established a task force of 24 members to provide expertise and guidance in the development of AU HIE guidelines and standards. Members of the task force were subject matter experts working in Africa and internationally on the collection, analysis, and exchange of health information. Some of these experts had been involved in previous consultations on defining Africa CDC’s health information systems strategy. A chairperson, co-chairperson, and secretary were elected to engage the task force members in different technical working groups.
A Estrutura de Vigilância Baseada em Eventos deve ser usada por autoridades e agências responsáveis
pela vigilância e resposta. Essa estrutura serve como um esboço para orientar as partes interessadas
em implementar a vigilância baseada em eventos (EBS) usando uma abordagem multissetorial One
Health. Para esse fim, o documento é organizado em capítulos e anexos interligados que podem ser
modificados e adaptados, conforme necessário, pelos usuários.
Esta é uma versão revisada da “Estrutura para Vigilância Baseada em Eventos” original, publicada em
2018. Essa estrutura não substitui nenhum outro material disponível do EBS, mas se baseia em
documentos relevantes ou relacionados existentes e serve como um guia prático para a
implementação do EBS na África. Essa estrutura está alinhada com a terceira edição da Avaliação
Externa Conjunta da OMS para os seguintes indicadores: sistemas de vigilância de alerta precoce
fortalecidos que são capazes de detectar eventos importantes para a saúde pública e a segurança da
saúde (Indicador D2.1); melhor comunicação e colaboração entre os setores e entre os níveis de
autoridade de resposta à saúde pública nacional, intermediário e local em relação à vigilância de
eventos importantes para a saúde pública (Indicador D2.2); e melhor capacidade nacional e
intermediária de analisar dados ( Indicador D2.3). À medida que os países começarem a implementar
e demonstrar a funcionalidade do EBS, eles garantirão um aumento nas pontuações do JEE e
progredirão no cumprimento dos requisitos descritos no IHR 3F.
Além disso, nos Estados Membros da União Africana que adotaram a estratégia Integrada de
Vigilância e Resposta a Doenças (IDSR), este documento é um complemento e pode aprimorar a
implementação do IDSR, especialmente para a 3ª edição (2019), que inclui componentes
relacionados ao EBS.
TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, second only to COVID-19, and drug-resistant TB strains are still a major concern. In the fight against TB, urgent investment is critical, especially in the context of the ongoing pandemic.
To achieve our vision of providing Universal access to safe, affordable surgical and anesthesia care when needed, the PGSSC is working with several Ministries of Health to develop National Surgical, Obstetric and Anesthesia Plans (NSOAP). This is a national health plan specifically focused on capacity and access in a country - something which has been traditionally not present in most national health plans.
It is estimated that prior to the war there were more than 250 000 people (1% of total population) living with HIV in Ukraine, of whom around 130 000 were receiving antiretroviral therapy.
As the displacement of people from Ukraine escalates, it is imperative that countries across Europe receivin...g these displaced people are prepared to ensure high standards of HIV prevention, treatment and care.
Norma técnica para el control y la eliminación de la tuberculosis programa nacional de control y eliminación de la tuberculosis - Actualización 2021 Resolución Exenta N°60 del Ministerio de Salud, con fecha 14 de enero de 2022
Es una enfermedad muy contagiosa que se transmite a través de las gotitas de saliva que
viajan por el aire cada vez que alguien enfermo tose, estornuda, escupe, habla o canta.
Los microbios hacen agujeros en los pulmones y pueden causar la muerte.