Une adaptation de COPE®
(Services efficaces axés sur le client)
For the toolbox visit: http://www.engenderhealth.org/pubs/maternal/obstetric-delivery-care.php
For the Fiscal Year 2014-2015, the Health Sector continued to implement interventions and strategies meant to improve the availability, accessibility and utilization of quality healthcare services across public and private health facilities; and to ensure the reduction of the burden of communicable ...and non-communicable diseases in Rwanda. This annual report highlights key achievements registered by the health sector during the Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Achievements are highlighted under three big components: Health Programs, Health Systems Support and Budget Execution.
The following document outlines the principles, objectives and strategies of a national policy for the protection of orphans and other vulnerable children in Rwanda. The propositions constitute a first step towards a comprehensive framework, which will assist the Government and its partners to plan,... implement and monitor projects and programmes in favour of orphans and other vulnerable children.
The UNFPA Zambia 2017 Annual Report highlights key milestones and achievements recorded with UNFPA support towards improving the health and well-being of women and young people in Zambia.
En 2016, en ce début de l’ère des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), la morbidité et la mortalité évitables liées à la grossesse restent inacceptablement élevées. Bien que des progrès substantiels aient été enregistrés, les pays doivent consolider et faire progresser ces acqui...s et élargir leurs objectifs pour aller au-delà de la survie, en visant, pour leurs populations, un niveau de santé et de potentiel optimal.
The Road Map outlines various strategies which will guide policy makers, development partners, training institutions and service providers in supporting Government efforts towards the attainment of MDGs related to maternal and neonatal health.
The Report describes the evaluation of WHO's contribution to the Maternal Health Program in South-East Asia Region. This was an independent evaluation conducted in 2015 by Amaltas, a Delhi based organization. The evaluation highlights the progress in five countries, namely Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mya...nmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka and provides specific recommendations for Organizational Learning and Development. This report will be useful for all those interested in WHO's work on Maternal Health Program in the Region.
For the first time in almost 50 years there are two new drugs for the treatment of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB): bedaquiline and delamanid. There has also been increased attention given to the safety and efficacy of “re-purposed” drugs that have been widely used to treat other infections but are al...so showing promise in the treatment of DR-TB, including linezolid and clofazimine. This special supplemental guide has been developed for nurses, because it is essential that nurses be provided with material that maximizes their ability to provide optimal support to patients who are receiving new and re-purposed drugs
CORE Group has developed a module to improve preparedness for and response of communities in countries at risk of a cholera epidemic. The module consists of four lesson plans with accompanying flipcharts, intended to be delivered through community health workers. The lessons target mothers and careg...ivers of children under age five, a group that is at particular risk of death if infected. The module shares information about symptoms and risks; what families can do to prevent infection; how, when, and where to seek care; and what actions to take in the aftermath of an outbreak.
The official death toll had risen to 493 people as of 29 March, according to the Government.
A new cholera outbreak was reported in Nhamatande; nine Cholera Treatment Centres have been established in Beira and other locations.
More than 140,000 people were displaced in 161 sites across Sofala (116... sites), Manica (27 sites), Zambezia (13 sites) Tete (5 sites); of whom more than 7,400 were identified as vulnerable, according to the Government.