Update - 27 June 2018
During the reporting week, the monsoon rains brought 252 mm of rainfall compared to 95 mm during the previous week. The downpour caused 65% of the week’s weather-related incidents (i.e. landslides, wind-storms and floods). Three rain gauges were installed in Chakmarkul (...near Camp 21), Camp 16 and Kutupalong, complementing existing rain gauges in Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf, as well as the Meteorological Station installed by Samaritan Purse in Camp 12. This network of rain gauges provides localized rainfall data at regular intervals throughout the day, which will allow the humanitarian community to better monitor, anticipate and respond to developments within the camps. Relocation of families at risk of landslides and flooding continued; a total of some 200 families have already moved to Camp 20 Extension and more than 100 families to Camp Extension 4. Repair of access roads, culverts, bridges and infrastructure is ongoing with continued attention to preparing for further heavy rains.
Guidelines for Handling Temperature Sensitive Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals
Flooding following Cyclone Idai in mid-March has now affected 270,000 people as of 30 March 2019.
• The most heavily affected areas are the districts of Chimanimani and Chipinge in Manicaland which have been isolated due to roads and bridges being washed away. Mashonaland East (Chikomba district)... and Masvingo (Zaka and Bikita districts) have also been affected.
• The flood response is being led by the Department of Civil Protection at the national and provincial levels.
• Two district command centres have been set up in Chimanimani and Chipinge. A logistics base has been set up in Mutare.
The safety of medicines in Zambia - why health workers need to take action | Produced by the National Pharmacovigilance Unit (NPVU)
A Step-by-Step Guide.
It is intended for health planners, dengue or vector control programme managers and individuals, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other agencies with interests and/or expertise in developing biological, chemical, environmental and communication interventions to prevent... and control dengue fever.
Doc. No.: INS/GDL/001-(Annexes)
Southern Med Review (2009)2;1:2-6