This new guidance aims to support programme implementers, coordinators and others in humanitarian settings in their actions to counter suicide and self-harm in humanitarian contexts and to save lives.
GMS Journalfor MedicalEducation2018, Vol. 35(3),ISSN 2366-5017
TheoreticalMedicine 6 (1985), 281-294. 0167-9902/85.10
This Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has been developed in advance of the World Humanitarian Summit (23 and 24 May 2016, Istanbul) by over 70 stakeholders from States, UN agencies, the international civil society community and global, regional and national or...ganisations of persons with disabilities. By endorsing this Charter, you will commit to render humanitarian action inclusive of persons with disabilities, by lifting barriers persons with disabilities are facing in accessing relief, protection and recovery support and ensuring their participation in the development, planning and implementation humanitarian programmes.
This Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has been developed in advance of the World Humanitarian Summit (23 and 24 May 2016, Istanbul) by over 70 stakeholders from States, UN agencies, the international civil society community and global, regional and national or...ganisations of persons with disabilities.
Le CICR est actif en République centrafricaine depuis 1983 ; avec une présence permanente depuis 2007. À ce jour, il dispose d’une délégation à Bangui, de sous-délégations à Kaga Bandoro, Bam-bari et Ndélé et d’un bureau à Birao. Le CICR opère également dans l’...Ouest du pays à partir d’une sous-délégation basée à Bangui.La plupart des activités sont menées en collaboration avec la Croix-Rouge centrafricaine (CRCA), laquelle reçoit de la part du CICR un soutien multiforme.
January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86616
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu...s on the management of abductions and kidnappings, a particular form of crisis requiring an especially tailoured response. The two papers seek to act as tools by which agencies can review and strengthen their crisis management mechanisms, so ensuring effective responses to critical incidents.
(2016) ‘Structural Drivers and social protection: mechanisms of HIV risk and HIV prevention for South African adolescents’. JIAS, 2016, 19(1):20646.
Social protection and HIV: Research implications for policy - 1 of 6
The curriculum, which complements the national pediatric ART training, was finalized in 2011 and was subsequently implemented nationally. The training curriculum includes a 15-module Trainer Manual, a Participant Manual, and accompanying PowerPoint slides.
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Chapter 10