Doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and first-aiders are coming under attack while trying to save lives. They are threatened, arrested or beaten, their hospitals looted or bombed. Some are unable to work because medical supplies can’t get through; some are forced to flee for their lives. Some are e...ven killed.
Attacks on health-care personnel, facilities and vehicles during armed conflict are wrong. They are prohibited under international humanitarian law (also known as the law of war), because they deprive sick and wounded people of much-needed care.
Preventing violence against health care is a matter of life and death.
Medical care for people caught up in armed conflict and other insecure environments saves lives and alleviates suffering. It is one of the most immediate and high priority needs of an affected population and is often the first type of response activated and/or requested by authorities and affected c...ommunities. Medical teams working in armed conflict and other insecure environments
frequently face serious threats to their security and safety, challenges to patient access, and at times limited acceptance by affected communities in which they work and parties to the conflict. Such difficulties are likely to increase (6) and
thereby creating a critical need to establish contact and trust with all sides in conflicts and in other insecure environments to ensure operational continuity. This trust can best be achieved when all sides perceive the medical teams to be neutral, impartial, and independent, and specifically not aiding (or being perceived to aid) any one party to achieve a military, political or economic
advantage. For medical teams that are deploying increasingly closer to the frontlines, the implications of and consequences for both staff and patients of teams not being fully prepared, and/or not fully comprehending the context in which they work, can be severe. Medical response can easily be hindered or compromised by intentional or unintentional acts and the behaviour and
conduct of the teams themselves
Unaccompanied and separated children leave their countries of origin for a variety of reasons. They may
be fleeing from persecution, armed conflict, exploitation or poverty. They may have been sent by members
of their family or decided to leave on their own – be it to ensure their survival, or t...o obtain an education or
employment. They may have been separated from their family during flight or may be trying to join parents
or other family members. Or they may have become victims of trafficking. Often it is a combination of
The guide aims to provide health and DRM practitioners, planners and policymakers across sectors with targeted information to help them strengthen national health systems and integrate the risks of disease outbreaks in national DRR strategies
The following are some of the principles and approache...s that have been based on lessons learned to date and may be considered to ensure effective all-hazards health EDRM, including prevention and preparedness for disease outbreaks, are addressed as part of the multihazard, multisectoral approach to developing or updating DRR strategies
WHO needs US$2.54 billion to provide life-saving assistance to millions of people around the world facing health emergencies. WHO’s Health Emergency Appeal is a consolidation of WHO’s priorities and financial requirements for 2023 to carry out health interventions in emergency and humanitarian r...esponses. The number of people in need of humanitarian relief has increased by almost a quarter compared to 2022, to a record 339 million. WHO is responding to an unprecedented number of intersecting health emergencies: climate change-related disasters such as flooding in Pakistan and food insecurity across the Sahel in the greater Horn of Africa; the war in Ukraine; and the health impact of conflict in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and north eastern Ethiopia – all of these emergencies overlapping with the health system disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and outbreaks of measles, cholera, and other killers. Contributions to the appeal can be fully flexible, flexible across a region, or flexible within a country appeal.
Here you can find the latest situation reports
Tras el terremoto de Turquía y Siria en febrero de 2023, se brindó respuesta de emergencia a la población afectada. Las personas jóvenes con discapacidad fueron uno de los grupos sociales más afectados por la crisis. Se trata de jóvenes que adquirieron una discapacidad como consecuencia del te...rremoto, o jóvenes con discapacidad que sufrieron mayor aislamiento tras el terremoto, debido a barreras estructurales, agravadas con la crisis.
Como repuesta a esta situación, el Pacto para la Juventud en la Acción Humanitaria contactó al Grupo de Trabajo sobre Personas Jóvenes con Discapacidad de Juventud 2030, con el objetivo de apoyar a los equipos humanitarios que brindan asistencia en terreno. Concretamente, esta Guía Corta busca apoyar a los equipos en el terreno para asegurar la participación significativa de personas jóvenes con discapacidad en la respuesta humanitaria local. La versión actual de esta Guía Corta se ha creado para un contexto más amplio: será útil no solo en el caso de Turquía y Siria, sino también en otras crisis humanitarias.
Las personas jóvenes con discapacidad son aquellas entre los 15 y los 24 años de edad con impedimentos físicos, mentales, intelectuales o sensoriales a largo plazo que, al interactuar con diversas barreras sociales, pueden dificultar su participación completa y efectiva en la sociedad en igualdad de condiciones con los demás1 . Sin embargo, según el contexto, se considera personas jóvenes a aquellas entre los 15 y los 29 años. Por ejemplo, en el movimiento por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, algunas organizaciones proponen este rango de edad más amplio2 debido a las barreras estructurales que afectan al desarrollo de las personas con discapacidad y, por ende, su posterior transición hacia la edad adulta.
After the earthquake in Türkiye-Syria in February 2023 an emergency response was provided to the affected population. Young persons with disabilities were one of the social groups most affected by the crisis. These were either young persons who acquired a disability due to the earthquake, or young ...persons with disabilities who were further isolated after the crisis due to compounded and structural barriers.
In response to this situation the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action reached out to the Youth2030 Disability Task Team with the aim of supporting humanitarian teams in the field. The current version of this checklist has been developed for a broader context not only for the Türkiye-Syria case, but also for other humanitarian crises. This checklist aims to provide guidance on how to ensure meaningful participation of young persons with disabilities in local humanitarian response. The expected users are humanitarian actors, especially those working in the field.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a leading humanitarian agency dedicated to helping people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. Health comprises nearly half of IRC’s program portfolio globally and encompasses sectors: 1) Primary Health (including child health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and mental health); 2) Nutrition; and 3) Environmental Health. IRC health programming across its portfolio, in terms of the size and breadth, responds to significant needs in crisis affected settings, improving health and wellbeing while reducing causes of ill-health.
This five-year Health Strategy sharpens our focus on where we can have the most impact. It guides our efforts in planning, technical assistance, business development, advocacy, and internal and external collaboration. Through this strategy, we will invest and grow in areas that will help us achieve high impact at scale for our clients. For the next five years these priorities will include: Nutrition; Immunization: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control; Last Mile Delivery of Primary Health Care: Clean Water.
Our strategy aligns with Strategy 100 (S100) and Strategy Action Plans (SAPs). It lays out how IRC, through health, nutrition, and Environmental Health (EH) programming, will advance the IRC’s S100 ambitions, respond to global trends, and capitalize on our value add. The strategy will be complemented by delivery plans that detail investments, actions, and roles and responsibilities to advance our priorities. At the end of FY24, we will take stock of the implementation of the strategy, measure progress towards achieving our goals, and review if it continues to be fit for purpose.
Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back
The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find ways for displaced people in Myanmar to be able to return home and recover their property and pos...sessions.
The purpose of the survey is to identify the level of preparedness required by a health-care facility to be able to continue operating during, or following a conflict-related security event.
The survey method provides a measure of the security and preparedness of a given health facility in it...s specific context. Such a measure offers evidence-based guidance to assess whether urgent action needs to be taken and, if so, in what form.
Decision-makers can prioritize the most effective actions to mitigate specific risks and, eventually, will be able to rank the importance of needs faced by multiple facilities.
The survey covers three modules: the hazards affecting the facility, the current management procedures in place and the state of the physical infrastructure. Each of these modules is further divided into categories, and each category contains the questions – or indicators ‒ that cover the actual issues addressed in the survey. A detailed description of each indicator is provided in this manual.
The study analyses the current situation of children with disabilities in relation to realizing their rights and accessing basic services, as well as their life experiences in their communities. It also focuses on identifying the barriers created by society that prevent children with disabilities enjoying their human rights. This includes identifying negative attitudes; environmental and communication barriers; gaps in policies or their effective implementation.
The report reveals that children with disabilities in Myanmar are less likely to access services in health or education; rarely have their voices heard in society; and face daily discrimination as objects of pity. It also highlights how inadequate policies and legislation contribute to the challenges these children face.
The information available in this publication should be useful for policy makers, development partners and Disabled Persons Organisations to promote the realization of the rights of all children with disabilities.
This report sets out ways to make pre-hospital care and ambulance services operating in areas of armed violence safer. Written by the Norwegian Red Cross with support from the ICRC and the Mexican Red Cross, the report summarizes field experience in over 20 countries.
Guía de buenas prácticas.Tercera edición
Las directrices se organizan en torno a ocho principios clave que corresponden al curso del contrato de un funcionario. El diagrama adjunto representa los principios de forma visual. Cada principio cuenta con indicadores y comentarios de apoyo, así como ...con estudios de caso diseñados para ayudar al lector a comprender mejor los conceptos en los que se basan los principios y cómo pueden llevarse a la práctica. Los principios e indicadores están pensados para ser aplicados tanto al personal internacional como al nacional y tanto al de oficina como al de campo, reconociendo que puede ser necesario realizar ajustes para tener en cuenta las necesidades y características únicas de cada grupo y de la organización. Constituyen una herramienta de aprendizaje, reflexión y planificación, más que un conjunto de reglas rígidas o soluciones aplicables en todas las condiciones.