This booklet shows what disability inclusive development for poverty alleviation looks like in a range of settings and with different challenges through eight case studies of projects funded by CBM Australia through the Australian Government NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
Collection of country-level good practices
Country Progress Report January 2008 - December 2009
This paper showed a large positive correlation coefficient between psychosocial health problems and dysfunctional abilities among rural community members
Data on the essential building blocks of mental health systems, including mental health
governance, financing, service delivery, human resources and information, are reported. For
mental health planning, it is important to know not only the level of resources in these six areas,
but also how thos...e resources are being organized and utilized. Thus, data on efficiency, access,
equity, linkages with other sectors and respect for human rights are reported as well.
This handbook aims to give practical guidance to support development organisations to mainstream disability into their work. It is primarily intended for VSO programmes, but could be useful to other development actors interested in mainstreaming disability, such as NGOs, gover...nment and donors
Relevance and effectiveness of World Bank support for public sector capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2004. Benin is part of a six country case study.
20 February 2013
Update on 2004 Background Paper (Written by Saloni Tanna)
Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation"