Abduction of aid workers has risen sharply in particular contexts in the past decade. Abduction is a “unique form of critical incident”, characterised by its ongoing, “live” nature, often extended duration, the pressure of decision-making and uncertainty. This EISF Briefing Paper explores ...the dimensions of effective, proactive abduction and kidnapping response mechanisms. It complements the EISF Briefing Paper Crisis Management of Critical Incidents, released April 2010, that looks at crisis response plans as a whole.
Guía detallada para el diseño e implementación de métodos de encuestas de conocimientos, actitudes y
prácticas para programas de protección de la infancia
Это руководство предназначено для использования в качестве пособия дл яврачей и других медицинских работников, осуществляющих лечение и уход за больными лекарст...енно-устойчивым туберкулезом.
Enfrentando la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los países en desarrollo.
Rev Neuropsiquiatr 80 (2), 2017 (P. 105-110)
Recibido: 03/02/2017 Aceptado: 12/06/2017
The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions (IACAPAP) aims to promote the mental health and
development of children and adolescents worldwide. It seeks to achieve
this by contributing to the training and professional development of the
child and adole...scent mental health professionals by disseminating up-todate
and high-quality information through its publications, organization
of biennial international congresses, and study groups. IACAPAP has a
long tradition of publishing monographs released to coincide with the
congresses, with the first one published in 1970.
Second Edition
Good Policy and Practice in HIV & AIDS and Education
Kaum ein Jahr vergeht inzwischen, ohne dass von neuen Rekorden bei Extremwetterereignissen berichtet wird. Naturkatastrophen und Wetterextreme werden insgesamt immer häufiger und nehmen an Stärke zu – und der Klimawandel spielt dabei eine immer größere und zerstörerische Rolle. Wie schlimm di...e Katastrophen die Menschen treffen, wird jedoch nicht nur durch ihre Häufigkeit und Stärke bestimmt. Auch die „Verwundbarkeit“ der Länder und der Menschen gegenüber den Auswirkungen der Naturkatastrophen ist ausschlaggebend für das Maß der Zerstörung (IPCC 2012). Die Erfahrungen aus den vergangenen Katastrophen und die Vorhersagen für die Zukunft zeigen dabei, dass die verwundbarsten Länder gleichzeitig zu den ärmsten der Welt gehören. Um die schlimmsten Auswirkungen durch klimawandelbedingte Naturkatastrophen in den Entwicklungsländern noch zu verhindern, muss der Klimawandel soweit wie möglich begrenzt werden. Klimaschutz ist eine Voraussetzung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und eine Welt ohne Armut und Hunger.
This valuable and timely guidebook represents an innovative contribution to enhancing quality education through textbooks. It will change the way textbook authors, publishers and educators, as well as governments of the United Nations Member States, see the poten...tial of educational media at a time of growing violent extremism, changing notions of national identity, increasingly globalized and diverse communities, and environmental destruction. The need for education that promotes peace, social justice and global citizenship has become more urgent in a world of greater uncertainty. This guidebook builds on the momentum of Agenda 2030, providing a toolkit to enable textbook authors to place ESD at the core of their subjects in ways that are at once practical for them and interesting and relevant to the students.
In this entry we are looking at smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of illicit drugs. We are studying who is using these substances, how their use has changed over time, and we are presenting the estimates of their impact on health. Collectively, smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use kills 11.8... million people each year. This is more than the number of deaths from all cancers