Strengthening competency based training of health care providers for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child & Adolescenct Health (RMNCH + A) services
Methodology for evaluating national national arboviral disease prevention and and control of arboviral diseases in the Americas
Parasites & Vectors volume 15, Article number: 389 (2022)
Dengue is one of the common arboviral infections and is a public health problem in South East Asia. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the prevalence and distribution of dengue in SAARC (South Asian Associ...ation for Regional Cooperation) countries.
Final Evaluation
The project objectives were to promote the conservation, sustainable use and cultivation of endangered medicinal plants in Zimbabwe, by demonstrating effective models at the local level, and developing a legal framework for the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable of benefits from medicinal plants at the national level. After one year of implementation, the project rationale, indicators and targets were reviewed in order to make them more rigorous as per the new GEF focus on project impact. New indicators and targets were developed in December 2004. The project is composed of five closely linked output areas that have been allocated to different implementing partners to take a lead in. These include the National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens (Output 1), the University of Zimbabwe School of Pharmacy (Output 2), the Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE), a regional NGO (Output 2 and 4), and the Attorney General‟s Office (Output 5).
In the mid-1980s, recognizing the limitations of traditional training and that the knowledge and skills acquired are not necessarily applied back in the workplace, MSH developed the Monitoring‐Training-Planning (MTP) approach to assist the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health to implement its Child Survi...val Program. Using the MTP approach, staff me
mbers learn to mobilize their own resources and to improve, incrementally, the management of medicines and other pharmaceuticals at their own facility.
Document on key points needed to design, manage, deliver and evaluate training
You can also find a spanish and french version here:
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders, for annexes see
Policy briefs produced for FP2020 and other countries, presenting analysis of Family Planning Effort (FPE) scores from the current and previous rounds. Research and policy implications based on the analyses are also presented.