Antibiotics use with care
Unstable settings present challenges for the effective provision of antiretroviral treatment (ART). In this paper, we summarize the experience and results of providing ART and implementing contingency plans during acute instability in the Central African Republic (CAR) and Yemen.
Antimicrobials have been a critical public health tool since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, saving the lives of millions of people around the world. Today, however, the emergence of drug resistance is reversing the miracles of the past eighty years, with drug choices for the treatment of many ...infections becoming increasingly limited, expensive, and, in some cases, non-existent.
Conscious of the public health threats of AMR to both humans, animals and the environment, the ministries of health and sanitation, agriculture forestry and food security and the environmental protection agency put together a national multi-sectoral coordinating group tasked with the responsibility of establishing mechanisms to integrate all initiatives into a single concerted action and development of the national AMR strategic plan (2018-2022). The National Strategic Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance is the first approach which addresses AMR specifically.
Esta nota de instrução resume as principais considerações em Saúde Mental e Apoio Psicossocial (SMAPS) referen-tes ao novo surto de coronavírus (COVID-19). Este documento foi atualizado pela última vez em 17 de março de 2020.
América Latina y el Caribe se ha convertido en el epicentro de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) y encabeza las estadísticas mundiales de casos. La pandemia ha devenido en una inédita crisis económica y social y, si no se toman medidas urgentes, podría transformarse en una cr...isis alimentaria, humanitaria y política. Tanto para las acciones de control de la pandemia como para las etapas de reactivación y reconstrucción, es imprescindible aumentar la inversión pública en salud hasta alcanzar los parámetros recomendados, de modo de asegurar el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud, ampliando y reconfigurando los servicios de salud de calidad, con un enfoque de atención primaria de salud, y abordar de manera inmediata y acelerada las necesidades de salud insatisfechas, reducir inequidades y mejorar las condiciones de acceso a servicios esenciales, incluida la protección financiera.
Namibia is no exception to the growingglobal concern on the increasing burden of NCDs. Namibia is an upper middle income country with fast economic growth since independence in 1990. The country is bearing the double burden of communicable and noncommunicable diseases and rapid urbanizat...ion. There is also high income inequality among the population.
MOH clinical practice guidelines
3 February 2021
Las crisis relacionadas con las vacunas y la vacunación requieren una respuesta de comunicación diferente a las estrategias comunicacionales para promover los beneficios y la importancia de las vacunas en general. Este documento presenta las orientaciones técnicas necesarias para... desarrollar un plan de comunicación adecuado para manejar las crisis relacionadas con la seguridad de las vacunas y de la vacunación. Estas orientaciones les serán útiles a los actores relevantes de nivel gerencial en el área de la inmunización y de la seguridad de las vacunas y la vacunación.
This strategy takes into account the policies formulated by sectors with cross-cutting interests in school meals, such as education, health, social protection and agriculture.The strategy further complements the provisions of the National School Health Policy and the asso...ciated National School Health Guidelines (2009) into a school meals framework with six strategic objectives. Above all, the strategy encourages inter-ministerial coordination, multi-sectoral planning, stable funding and monitoring and evaluation for home-grown school meals to all children in Kenya.
This publication provides recommendations for the management of critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 being treated in intensive care units (ICUs) in the Americas. These clinical practice guidelines provide evidence-informed recommendations for identifying markers and mortality risk factors in... critically ill patients, as well as infection control, sample collection, supportive care (respiratory and hemodynamic), pharmacological treatment, early rehabilitation, diagnostic imaging use, prevention of complications, and discharge requirements. The recommendations are for all health care staff caring for patients in emergency departments and ICUs. These guidelines are also intended for use by decisionmakers and government entities involved in the management of patients with COVID-19 in ICUs in the Region of the Americas.
Este documento de referência foi preparado pelo Grupo de Trabalho sobre Vacinas contra COVID-19 do Grupo Consultivo Estratégico de Especialistas em Imunização (SAGE) para orientar as discussões do SAGE em sua reunião extraordinária de 8 de fevereiro de 2021, que resultou na publicação do do...cumento da OMS de 10 de fevereiro de 2021 Recomendações provisórias para o uso da vacina AZD1222 [ChAdOx1-S (recombinante)] contra COVID-19 desenvolvida pela Universidade de Oxford e pela AstraZeneca. Os dois documentos estão disponíveis na página sobre COVID-19 do SAGE: Têm sido usados vetores de adenovírus deficientes na replicação contendo um transgene específico do patógeno como novas vacinas devido à sua capacidade de induzir respostas humorais e celulares fortes.
The Mtoto Mwerevu Stunting Reduction Toolkit is a resource for government and organisations involved in addressing stunting and broader nutrition issues in Tanzania. The toolkit was developed in conjunction with the Government of Tanzania (GoT) with funding from UK Aid as part of the Addressing Stun...ting in Tanzania Early (ASTUTE) programme. Its goal is to provide government, donors, non-governmental organisations, and civil society organisations (CSOs) with programming recommendations and tools to help implement successful multi-sectoral social and behaviour change (SBC) interventions aimed at preventing and reducing stunting.
In the Region of the Americas, the leishmaniases are a group of diseases caused by various species of Leishmania, which cause a set of clinical syndromes in infected humans that can involve the skin, mucosa, and visceral organs. The spectrum of clinical disease is varied and depends on the interacti...on of several factors related to the parasite, the vector, and the host. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the form most frequently reported in the Region and nearly 90% of cases present single or multiple localized lesions. Other cutaneous clinical forms, such as disseminated and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, are more difficult to treat and relapses are common. The mucosal form is serious because it can cause disfigurement and severe disability if not diagnosed and treated early on. Visceral leishmaniasis is the most severe form, as it can cause death in up to 90% of untreated people.
Climate change is increasing the risks of injuries, diseases, and deaths globally. However, the association between ambient temperature and renal diseases has not been fully characterized. This study aimed to quantify the risk and attributable burden for hospitalizations of renal diseases related to... ambient temperature.
Post Graduate programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the
quality of nursing education and practice in India. .
Post graduate programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence
acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories
into nursing practice, ed...ucation, administration and development of
research skills.
National Safe Surgery Strategic PLAN Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS) Strategic Plan 2016–2020