How we respond both now and going forward will help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, and to the extent possible preserve children’s rights to Survive, Learn, and Be Protected. We will focus our efforts on the most critical work essential to maintaining these commitments to the extent possible.
Five years after a global commitment to Fast-Track the HIV response and end AIDS by 2030, the world is off track. A promise to build on the momentum created in the first decade of the twenty-first century by front-loading investment and accelerating HIV service provision has been fulfilled by too fe...w countries.
Explainer for countries based on commonly asked questions
12 November 2020
This document aims to explain how COVAX vaccines will be allocated amongst participants.
This handbook is a quick-reference tool that provides practical, field-level guidance to establish and maintain a GBV sub-cluster in a humanitarian emergency. It provides the foundations for coordination. More in-depth information can be pursued through resources referenced in this handbook. The GBV... AoR website ( maintains a repository of tools, training materials and resources that complement this handbook. As a second edition, this handbook provides updates to practitioners on humanitarian reforms, lessons learned, promising practices and resources that have emerged since its first publication in 2010.
PLOS ONE | June 7, 2019
Drake AL et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019, 22:e25271 |
Child Survival working Group
Accessed: 18.10.2019
F1000Research 2019, 8:323 Last updated: 17 MAY 2019
Hесмотря на многочисленные международные договоры и обязательства по защите прав мигрантов в области здравоохранения, эта ключевая затронутая группа населения п... прежнему испытывает серьезные затруднения в доступе к лечению от туберкулеза. Миграция вызвана рядом сложных экономических, социальных, политических и экологических факторов и является определяющим элементом плохого здоровья, а результаты лечения мигрантов находятся под воздействием различных измерений миграционного процесса.
Accessed on 2019
The conflict in Yemen has a mounting cost to the lives of mothers and newborns
Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and Portugues
The floods caused by the Tropical Cyclone IDAI has affected 3 million people in the Republics of Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe leaving 839 people dead, and this figure continued to rise as the rains stopped and water subsided. To date, over 201,476 people (Table 1) have been displaced and about 31...7 camps established. A total of 2,347 people have been reported injured and over 300 people are still missing in the affected countries.
Módulo 9
Planificación estratégica
Julio del 2017
Módulo 9: Planificación estratégica. La OMS recomienda ofrecer la PrEP a las personas con un riesgo significativo de contraer la infección por el VIH, por lo que este módulo ofrece orientación de salud pública para los encargados de ...tomar decisiones sobre cómo priorizar los servicios, con el fin de llegar a quienes se pueden beneficiar más de la PrEP, y sobre los entornos donde los servicios de PrEP podrían ser más costo-efectivos.