The goals of Ebola virus disease (EVD) surveillance during Phase 3 of the Ebola response are to promptly detect new, suspected EVD cases and deaths so as to trigger appropriate response, including rapid diagnosis, case isolation and management, contact tracing, safe burials, and the identification o...f transmission chains
The document covers: introduction on contact tracing in the Ebola response; general considerations for contact tracing; case definition; planning and preparation; personnel; implementation, and tools for contact tracing.
Directives relatives aux situations d’urgence
Jeder ehrenamtliche Helfer in und um Würzburg kann sich an Standpunkt e.V. wenden und kostenlos Skripte bekommen. Schreibt dazu bitte eine Mail an
Jeder ehrenamtliche Helfer in und um Würzburg kann sich an Standpunkt e.V. wenden und kostenlos Skripte bekommen. Schreibt dazu bitte eine Mail an
Translation provided of the German Asylum Procedure Act (Asylverfahrensgesetz) by the Language Service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of
23.12.2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2439). BEWARE: This version does no...t include the amendment of Nov. 2011! To compare with the current status of the German version, see
For the control of vectors and pests of public health importance. Sixth edition
3ie Impact Evaluation Report 39
Updated 22 august 2016. This document aims to provide interim guidance on the case definition of GBS and strategies to manage the syndrome, in the context of Zika virus and its potential association with GBS. This document is intended to inform the development of local clinical protocols and health ...policies related to the care of patients with GBS
Updated 6 September 2016. This guidance has been developed to provide advice on the prevention of potential sexual transmission of Zika virus. The primary transmission route of Zika virus is via the Aedes mosquito. However, sexual transmission of Zika virus may also be possible, with limited evidenc...e recorded in a few cases. This is of concern due to an association between Zika virus infection and potential complications, including microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with the foundational skills needed to begin the development, implementation and ongoing improvement of a congenital anomalies surveillance programme, in particular for countries with limited resources. It focuses on the methodology needed to devel...op either population-based or hospital based surveillance programmes.
A set of congenital anomalies will be used as examples throughout this course. The specific examples used are typically severe enough that they would probably be captured within the first few days after birth, have a significant public health impact and, for some of them, have the potential for primary prevention.