An Illustrated Guide for Service Providers
For the Assesor's Guide Vol 1 and 2 see:
Combination file of all the documents related to the national guidelines for accreditation, supervision and regulation of ART clinics in India. Documents included:
National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision & Regulation of ART Clinics in India | Preliminary Pages | Corrigendum | Chapter 1 ...- Introduction, Brief history of ART and Requirement of ART Clinics | Chapter 2 - Screening of Patients for ART - Selection Criteria and Possible Complications | Chapter 3 - Code of Practice, Ethical Considerations and Legal Issues | Chapter 4 - Sample Consent Forms | Chapter 5 - Training | Chapter 6 - Future Research Prospects | Chapter 7 - Providing ART Services to the Economically Weaker Sections of the Society | Chapter 8 - Establishing a National Database for Human Infertility | Chapter 9 - Composition of the National Accreditation Committee | Bibliography
| Members of the Expert Group for Formulating the National Guidelines for Accredation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics
Section 1, Introduction to Men's Reproductive Health Services, Revised Edition, is designed to help sites and health care workers address organizational and attitudinal barriers that may exist when initiating, providing, or expanding a men's reproductive health services program. It also provides bas...ic information on a variety of reproductive health issues relevant to reproductive health services for men, including sexuality, gender, anatomy and physiology, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections.
The occurrence of a high percentage of couterfeit medicines on the global medicines market is often attributed to a lack of effective regulation and a weak enforcement capacity. This review, while focusing on counterfeit medicines and medical devices in developing countries, will present information... on their impact and how these issues can be addressed by regulation and control of the supply chain using technology appropriate to the developing world.
For the Fiscal Year 2014-2015, the Health Sector continued to implement interventions and strategies meant to improve the availability, accessibility and utilization of quality healthcare services across public and private health facilities; and to ensure the reduction of the burden of communicable ...and non-communicable diseases in Rwanda. This annual report highlights key achievements registered by the health sector during the Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Achievements are highlighted under three big components: Health Programs, Health Systems Support and Budget Execution.
This report highlights key achievements registered by the Ministry of Health, affiliated institutions, implementing agencies both at central and decentralized levels in 2013-2014. Generally, the Health Sector accomplishments and programs routine data for 2013-2014 confirm that Rwanda maintains its p...rogress towards the realization of health-related MDGs and national health targets as well.
A national overview with a case study from Cam Le district
The overall aims of this study are (1) to assess the extent to which social protection systems in Vietnam address the needs of people with disabilities; and (2) to identify and document elements of good practice, as well as challenges, the design and delivery of social protection for people with disabilities. As most social protection programmes in Vietnam are targeted to various vulnerable groups (e.g. orphans, widows, single parents), the research mainly focuses on disability-specific schemes, as they are relevant to a higher proportion of people with disabilities.
The 2010-2011 National Annual Report on HIV program presents the progress in implementing the strategies and activities articulated in the National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS 2009-2012 commonly referred to as the HIV NSP. The report presents consolidated information regarding the outputs in the ...second year of implementing the four year strategy. This report will serve to inform the Mid Term Review of the HIV NSP 2009-2012.
In where under-five mortality is high and vitamin A deficiency is a public health problem, two high-dose supplements of vitamin A per year, spaced four to six months apart, can strengthen children’s immune systems and improve their chances of survival.
During much of early childhood – from... 6 months to 5years of age – two high doses of vitamin A every year can prevent blindness and hearing loss, boost children’s immunity against diseases like measles and diarrhoea and provide critical protection against death. Like all forms of malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency is a marker of inequality. In countries where diets are lacking in vitamin A and infections and deaths are prevalent, supplementation programmes give vulnerable children a better chance to survive, develop and thrive.
The aim of this report is to: (1) synthesize the findings from selected maternal and newborn related studies in Nepal conducted during 2011-2014, (2) identify areas of improvement in existing interventions, and (3) recommend possible strategies to fulfill such gaps.
The Rwandan Ministry of Health recognizes the threat that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) pose to health and development in Rwanda and in 2009 articulates strategies to respond to them in the Health Sector Strategic Plan 2012 - 2018 (HSSP3). Among other things, the plan calls for a national prevale...nce survey on NCD risk factors. This report responds to that call and summarizes the findings of the first NCD risk factor survey in Rwanda conducted from November 2012 to March 2013.
It is the policy of the GoR to ensure that children’s rights are met through the provision of basic needs and services for all children in the country, and protect them from abuse and exploitation. Children are defined as persons below the age of 18 years and the ICRP covers children from the time... before their birth until they complete the age of 18 years. The Integrated Child Rights Policy of Rwanda is based on seven key themes: Identity and Nationality; Family and Alternative Care; Survival, Health and Standards of Living; Education; Protection; Justice; and Child Participation.
This document describes the key areas that national governments should consider for the introduction and scale-up of point-of-care (POC) diagnostics within national programmes, as new innovative POC technologies are being introduced into the market. The next steps taken to include these new innovati...ons within the broader context of national diagnostic networks of conventional laboratories could influence the achievement of the 2030 Fast Track targets for ending the AIDS epidemic.
POC diagnostics, when strategically introduced and integrated into national diagnostic networks, may help catalyse changes that improve the way diagnostics and clinical services are delivered. This document distils this understanding based on programmatic and market experiences of introducing POC diagnostics through catalytic investments in POC HIV technologies across numerous countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The UNFPA Zambia 2017 Annual Report highlights key milestones and achievements recorded with UNFPA support towards improving the health and well-being of women and young people in Zambia.
The articles in this compendium elaborate on some of the ideas shared at the symposium. Together, they provide a broad view of the dynamic interactions among physical, sexual and brain development that take place during adolescence. They highlight some of the risks to optimal development – toxic stress, which can interfere with the formation of brain connections, and other vulnerabilities unique to the onset of puberty and independence. They also point to the opportunities for developing interventions that can build on earlier investments in child development – consolidating gains and even offsetting the effects of deficits and traumas experienced earlier in childhood.