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June 2021, В настоящей ситуации распространяется неисчислимое количество информации о COVID-19, причем некоторые
уже говорят о “инфодемии”. Очень трудно найти информаци...ю, содержащую научно обоснованные рекомендации
из надежных источников. Поэтому MEDBOX создал Инструментарий COVID-19 (, сборник
проверенных, профессиональных и актуальных ресурсов на тему COVID-19. В нем содержатся руководства,
материалы для информации, образования и коммуникации, включая видео и онлайн-курсы, планы действий
и многое другое, собранное на одном сайте. Кроме того, в нем размещены ссылки на другие полезные
ресурсные платформы, содержащие достоверную информацию. Здесь вы найдете наиболее важные документы,
включенные в Инструментарий COVID-19.
Key findings from a February 2021 survey from the Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC)
This new plan has been developed to build on successes made and lessons learnt from implementation of the two initial plans and to provide a short to medium term strategic anchor against which preparedness and response plans to the corona virus disease COVID-19 epidemic in the country should focus o...n for the period June 2021 to June 2022.
The primary audience of this report with the compendium of resources are youth engagement practitioners in the Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies as well as technical experts and policy makers across the humanitarian landscape that thrive for meaningful interventions with and for children, ad...olescents, and young adults experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
فيما يسمى بـ "الرسائل الإخبارية"، يقوم فريق ميدبوكس بجمع الوثائق والمعلومات المتعلقة بـ كوفيد -19 في شكل مرئي. نرحب بتعليقاتكم حول التنسيق والمحتوى، بالإضافة إلى مزي... من الاقتراحات
لتحسينها وتوسيعها
Illustrated by A. Scheffler and contribution by G. Medley
Un an après le début de la pandémie, la COVID-19 a changé le monde et continue de peser sur notre quotidien. La pandémie a mis en évidence les lacunes des systèmes de santé tandis que le personnel de santé a été exposé au virus de façon
disproportionnée. Tout au long de l’année pas...sée, les infirmières ont affiché leur volonté et leur souplesse
en s’adaptant à de nouvelles méthodes de travail. Des millions d’infections à la COVID-19 ont été signalées parmi les agents de santé dans le monde et, hélas, le Conseil International des Infirmières (CII) a enregistré près de 3 000 décès qui lui sont
imputables parmi les infirmières dans 60 pays. Il est probable que le chiffre réel soit beaucoup plus élevé, le nombre d’infections et de décès parmi les agents de santé restant impossible à évaluer avec précision dans la mesure où de nombreux systèmes et pays n’ont pas assuré le suivi de cette question capitale.
Sur le long terme, les effets de la COVID-19, dont la « COVID longue » et le syndrome de stress posttraumatique différé, pourraient avoir d’importants effets délétères, en particulier sur le personnel infirmie
Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine 2022:13 25–40.
Chagas disease (CD) is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, and it is endemic in Central, South America, Mexico and the South of the United States. It is an important cause of early mortality and morbidity, and it is associated with po...verty and stigma. A third of the cases evolve into chronic cardiomyopathy and gastrointestinal disease. This review proposes strategies to address challenges faced by non-endemic countries
NFPA continues to work with partners to respond to the Ukraine emergency. Highlights from the month of January include:
- The #TrainOfHope launched between Kyiv and Chisinau is a lifeline, providing refugees, including many women with children, both a route to safety and a way back home.
- When t...he Government of Ukraine lost control of Kherson city, social workers at a shelter for survivors of domestic violence continued to work so that women and girls could receive essential assistance.
The Global Appeal provides updated information for government, private donors, partners and other readers interested in UNHCR's priorities and budgeted activities for 2021 to protect and improve the lives of tens of millions of people of concern (refugees, internally displaced people, stateless pers...ons and others)
This is an update (third edition) of the BACPR Standards & Core Components and represents current evidence-based best practice and a pragmatic overview of the structure and function of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Programmes (CPRPs) in the UK. The previously described seven standards... have now been reduced to six but without sacrificing any of the key elements and with a greater emphasis placed on measurable clinical outcomes, audit and certification. Similarly, the second edition provided an overview of seven core components felt to be essential for the delivery of quality prevention and rehabilitation, and this too has been reduced to six. The interplay between cardio-protective therapies and medical risk factors is almost impossible to disentangle for the vast majority of patients and even if specific drug therapies are deployed exclusively for risk factor modulation, the indirect effect will also be cardio-protective. Thus, these have been combined into a single core component – medical risk management.
Мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться с практическим руководством Программы Организации Объединенных Наций по международному контролю над наркотиками (ЮНДКП) по планир...ованию и предоставлению услуг в области лечения наркомании и реабилитации.
Издание Лечение наркомании и реабилитация: практическое руководство по планированию и осуществлению призвано служить практическим средством для правительств, специалистов по планированию политики, лиц, предоставляющих услуги и обеспечивающих лечение. Представленный материал может быть полезен в весьма различных национальных и культурных условиях
Reflections from disability research using the ICF in Afghanistan and Cambodia | Working Paper Series: No. 11
This paper is Oxfam’s essential guide for WASH staff and partners. It describes the processes and standards that Oxfam WASH programmes should follow if they are to be carried out effectively, consistently and in a way which treats affected communities with respect.
All WASH staff members are expe...cted to understand and follow these Minimum Requirements. However, it is recognised that in acute emergencies it is preferable to start work on the basics immediately, and build up a comprehensive, quality programme in the following days and weeks. There will, therefore, be some programmes in which certain individual requirements are not appropriate or relevant; in such cases staff members responsible should be able to justify why she/he did things differently, or how the minimum requirement was achieved over time.