Поэтому уже давно возникала мысль о том,что подробный комментарий по вопросам научных знаний и практическогоопыта, лежащих в основе политики ВОЗ по борьбе ...с туберкулезом, являлся бысущественным элементом технического сотрудничества ВОЗ с ее государствамичленами. Данная книга, написанная в форме вопросов и ответов, являетсяпервым шагом в этом направлении. Я надеюсь, что она станет доступной длявсех специалистов, участвующих в борьбе с туберкулезом, организаторов здравоохранения и администраторов, ответственных за формирование и выполнение национальных программ борьбы с туберкулезом, а также всех медицинскихработников, ежедневно решающих конкретные задачи борьбы с туберкулезомна местах.
Core Indicators 2019: Health Trends in the Americas starts with a demographic overview of the Americas to demonstrate how the Region has changed over 25 years. These key demographic indicators provide valuable context to better understand the population’s characteristics and their impact on health.... Brief narratives accompany the graphics to highlight important information.
Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
interim Guidance 1 December 2020. Updated version
This document provides updated guidance on mask use in health care and community settings, and during home care for COVID-19 cases. It is intended for policy makers, public health and infection prevention and control professionals, health care manag...ers and health workers.
The Annex provides advice on how to manufacture non-medical masks. It is intended for those making non-medical masks at home and for mask manufacturers
Временные руководящие принципы 1 декабря 2020 года. Обновленная версия
В этом документе представлено обновленное руководство по использованию масок в медицинских ...чреждениях и в общественных местах, а также при уходе за больными КОВИД-19 на дому. Он предназначен для разработчиков политики, специалистов в области общественного здравоохранения и профилактики и контроля инфекций, менеджеров здравоохранения и медицинских работников.
Приложение содержит рекомендации по изготовлению немедицинских масок. Оно предназначено для тех, кто производит немедицинские маски на дому и для производителей масок.
El informe Indicadores básicos 2019: tendencias de la salud en las Américas comienza con un panorama demográfico de la Región que muestra los cambios que han ocurrido a lo largo de los últimos 25 años. Estos indicadores demográficos proporcionan un contexto útil para comprender mejor las car...acterísticas de la población y el efecto que tienen en la salud. Los gráficos están acompañados de breves descripciones en las que se destaca la información más importante.
Transforming Health Systems: Achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2022. The development of the Kenya Health Sector Strategic Plan 2018–2023 is guided by the Constitution of 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030 and the Kenya Health Policy 2014–2030.
USAID funded/ Primary Health Care Project in Iraq (PHCPI) in cooperation with Iraqi Ministry of Health (MOH) aims to promote Primary Health Care (PHC) services provided by Primary Health Care Clinics (PHCCs) in Iraq in order to achieve the development goal in enhancing the PHC provision system throu...gh achieving the following results: First: Enhancing management and operations systems, which support clinical care. Second: Improving the quality of the delivered PHC according to quality standards. Third: Enhancing and expanding local community participation and partnership in PHC. Maintaining the medical & service devices in the hospitals and health clinics besides making them function according to the adapted standard specifications, lead to providing most efficient medical services for people and accomplish the purposes for which they were invented. Maintenance and repair of facilities and infrastructure, and keeping them safe and clean are also of the important approaches for the results referred to in (first) and (second) above. This can be achieved through enhancing and developing facilities, and medical & service devices management. This guideline seeks to develop work mechanism for engineers, technicians and the PHCCs’ facilities and medical & service equipment maintenance workers; clarify the concept of maintenance, its importance and classifications in health area, its planning and implementation, the tasks and duties of other directorates and departments of the Ministry in relation to all kinds of maintenance. Add to that preparing documents and forms, which are used in documenting and monitoring the steps required to be accomplished in the maintenance of PHCCs’ facilities and medical & service equipment, for the equipment to perform the best possible services for people and get their satisfaction.
The use of explosive weapons, such as bombs, rockets, and mortar and
artillery shells, in cities, towns and villages and in other populated areas
has devastating humanitarian consequences. Explosive weapons act mainly
through the projection of blast and fragmentation wi...thin an area. Their use,
in populated areas, causes severe suffering to civilians, both in terms of
death and serious injury resulting directly from the explosion, and in terms
of damage to property and public infrastructure, which can indirectly affect
civilian well-being and survival, sometimes for many years after a conflict
has ended. Explosive weapons also leave behind explosive remnants that
pose a threat to populations until those remnants are removed. [...] The study finds that the regulation of explosive weapons under international
law and policy is fragmentary and incoherent.
Troubles Anxieux
Chapitre F.3
Edition en français
Traduction : Alexis Revet
Sous la direction de : Jean-Philippe Raynaud Avec le soutien de la SFPEADA
The guidelines are to be used to guide the management of adults with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). As will be seen in the following text, this diagnosis, and the other clinical syndromes within this grouping, can be difficult to make accurately. In the absence of agreed definitions of th...ese syndromes these guidelines are to be used when, in the opinion of a clinician, an LRTI syndrome is present. The following are put forward as def-initions to guide the clinician, but it will be seen in the ensuingtext that some of these labels will always be inaccurate. These definitions are pragmatic and based on a synthesis of available studies. They are primarily meant to be simple to apply in clinical practice, and this might be at the expense of scientific accuracy. These definitions are not mutually exclusive, with lower respiratory tract infection being an umbrella term that includes all others, which can also be used for cases that cannot be classified into one of the other groups. No new evidence has been identified that would lead to a change in the clinical definitions,which are therefore unchanged from the 2005 publication.
Clin Microbiol Infect 2011;17(Suppl. 6): 1–24 The full version of these guidelines can be found on Wiley Online Library.