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Around the world, nurses are working under enormous pressure providing care to sick and dying patients during the pandemic. Many are faced with increased stress, and other negative effects on their mental health. They are also faced with the possibility of infection and death from COVID-19. Before t...he pandemic there was a global shortage of nurses, but this is likely to be exacerbated by the increased demands of caring during COVID-19 as well as the usual care of non-COVID patients.
Guía para personal de Primera Línea de Respuesta a la COVID-19.
Esta Guía básica de habilidades psicosociales es un proyecto del Grupo de Referencia
del Comité Permanente entre Organismos sobre Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial en
situaciones de emergencia (IASC MHPSS RG). El proyecto fue apo...yado por las agencias
miembros del IASC MHPSS RG, con amplias aportaciones de los sobrevivientes de
COVID-19 y el personal de primera línea de respuesta contra la COVID-19.
Accessed: 21.03.2019
mhGAP Training Manual for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings – version 2.0 (for field testing)
Guidance Brief
Selected findings from ECDC and EMCDDA scientific guidance, 2018
In July 2016, the government of Myanmar shared the following update on progress toward achieving its Family Planning 2020 commitment during the 2015-2016 time period (commitment included below for reference). The government added new information to this update in April 2017.
This guideline covers road-traffic-related air pollution and its links to ill health. It aims to improve air quality and so prevent a range of health conditions and deaths.
Print version ISSN 1809-9823On-line version ISSN 1981-2256
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. vol.19 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Mar./Apr. 2016
Nepal has performed exceptionally in improving reproductive, maternal and child health outcomes over the past two decades. In this article, we discuss these achievements and outline a vision for the future of maternal, newborn and child survival in Nepal after the era of the Millennium Development G...oals. On the pathway towards quality universal health care services for all, we propose strengthening of health information systems, gradual health system reforms, improvement of existing facility based services, development of integrated service delivery models, improved technical and managerial capacity at district and facility levels. Elimination of all preventable causes of maternal, newborn and child deaths in Nepal should be our collective aspirational goal.
WHO published and launched the third part of the Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP) series consisting of two sub-packages: the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Managers (WSTPm) and the Wheelchair Service Training Package for Stakeholders (WSTPs). WHO recognises that in order to develo...p an effective and sustainable wheelchair service provision; managers and stakeholders need to be informed about the importance and benefit of a proper wheelchair service provision. The training manuals and introductory folder comes with 8 GB PenDrive, which contains A to Z of the wheelchair provision.