- Resilient Markets
- Resilient Agriculture
- Resilient People
- Political Leadership for Resilient Growth
Se espera que el Panorama 2020 ayude a visibilizar los desafíos de los territorios con peores indicadores en términos de alimentación y nutrición, y que sirva para movilizar el compromiso político y la atención pública en los lugares que sufren mayores rezagos respecto a los promedios naciona...les. Al igual que en ediciones anteriores, también se proporciona información sobre las políticas y los programas que los países están desarrollando para enfrentar todas las formas de malnutrición.
El año 2020 se recordará durante muchas décadas por la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19. Los indicadores de la Agenda 2030 que se utilizan en esta publicación aún no recogen los distintos impactos del nuevo coronavirus. Pero en cada uno de los capítulos y secciones que siguen se hace referencia a algunas de las posibles implicaciones de la pandemia para el futuro.
Das vorliegende Manual soll eine Anregung für die TeilnehmerInnen sein, sich mit dem Thema Ernährung auseinanderzusetzen. Die ersten beiden Module sind als Einführung in das Thema gedacht, danach fol-gen Module, die sich mit der Wirkung verschiedener Ernährungsweisen auf den eigenen Körper, auf... andere Menschen und auf die Umwelt auseinandersetzen. Abgeschlossen werden kann der Themenkomplex mit den letzten beiden Modulen, einem Projekt und einer Reflexion der eigenen Ernährungsweise – in der Vergangenheit und in der Zukunft.
High salt consumption is an important determinant of high blood pressure and reducing it would improve health outcomes by lowering cardiovascular disease and therefore death rates. Reducing salt intake has been identified as one of the most effective public health measures and is one of the leading ...targets at global, regional and national levels to reduce the burden of noncommunicable diseases. The purpose of the Dietary Salt Intake Survey in the Republic of Moldova was to establish current baseline average consumption of salt (sodium), potassium and iodine through 24-hour urinary excretion testing among a random sample of the adult population (aged 18–69 years), and to assess the knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviour around dietary salt in order to enable more efficient planning and the implementation of an effective salt-reduction strategy in the Republic of Moldova.
The 2017 Global Nutrition Report focuses on 5 key areas and finds that improving nutrition can have a powerful multiplier effect across the SDGs. Indeed, it indicates that it will be a challenge to achieve any SDG without addressing nutrition. The report shows that there is an exciting opportunity t...o achieving global nutrition targets while catalysing other development goals through ‘double duty’ and ‘triple duty’ actions, which tackle malnutrition and other development challenges could yield multiple benefits across the SDGs.
Confernece Report 15-16 April 2013 - Dublin, Ireland
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require the international community to mobilize significant additional financing over the next decade. Tracking and analyzing this funding is central to measuring progress and making more informed choices to direct financial flows where they wi...ll have the greatest impact. This brief highlights AidData’s updated methodology to track financing to the SDGs, providing a baseline of funding for the years immediately before and after their launch. To track SDG-related financing, we build on our 2017 pilot methodology. Using data from the OECD CRS database on all official development assistance between 2010 and 2016, we identify individual projects that are linked to specific SDG goals or targets and then quantify total financing by SDG. This brief highlights four countries that represent different development contexts and trajectories, exploring how a country’s individual context impacts its SDG-related donor funding by examining the composition of funding and financing trends. We also look at SDG financing from the perspective of donors to see how their own interests are reflected in development portfolios across different countries.
This Guide responds to requests from practitioners and country teams who have learned about the Nurturing care framework and want to understand how to adapt health and nutrition services to be supportive of nurturing care and strengthen caregivers’ capacity.
This document is an output of a WHO cross-programme initiative aiming to improve the prevention, diagnosis and management of anaemia and thereby accelerate reduction in its prevalence. It comes at an important time, midway through the era of the Sustainable Development Goals, when progress in reduci...ng anaemia has stagnated. This framework is based on the core principles of primary health care: meeting people’s health needs through comprehensive promotive, protective, curative, and rehabilitative care along the life course; systematically addressing the broader determinants of health; and empowering individuals, families, and communities to optimize their health
This document provides an overview of strategic purchasing of nutrition services within primary health care. It introduces key terms and payment methods for countries to use in preparing to transform their health financial systems to scale up nutrition services. It does so by introducing nutritional... perspectives to strategic health purchasing core areas: What to buy, From whom to buy and How to buy.
High meat consumption, particularly red meat and processed meat, negatively affects our health, while meat production is one of the largest contributors to global warming and environmental degradation. The aim of our study was to explore trends in meat consumption within the UK and the associated ch...anges in environmental impact. We also aimed to identify any differences in intake associated with gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and year of birth.
While “sustainability” has become a central aspect of social action and responsibility around the world, its complex and multi-di-
mensional nature requires further explanation.
La información actualizada sobre numerosos países ha hecho posible estimar el hambre en el mundo con mayor precisión este año. En particular, los datos a los que se ha tenido acceso recientemente han permitido revisar la serie completa de estimaciones anuales de la subalimentación correspondien...tes a China desde el año 2000, lo cual ha dado lugar a una importante variación a la baja de la serie relativa al número de personas subalimentadas en el mundo. No obstante, la revisión confirma la tendencia sobre la que se ha informado en ediciones anteriores: el número de personas afectadas por el hambre a nivel mundial ha ido aumentando lentamente desde 2014
A multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration, through a One Health approach is required to effectively prepare for, detect, assess, and respond to emerging and endemic zoonotic diseases. However, external and internal health system evaluations continue to identify major gaps in capacity ... to implement multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaboration within and between many countries, and countries are asking for support from the Tripartite to fill these gaps. This guide is the response to those requests.
A discussion paper outlining the first steps in developing a nutrient profile model to drive changes to product composition and labelling and promotion practices in the WHO European Region
The aims of the guidance are to protect breastfeeding, prevent obesity and chronic diseases, promote a healthy... diet, and ensure caregivers receive clear and accurate information on infant and young child feeding.