Special issue: Mental Health Challenges in Lithuania
Nos. 1-2 '11
As Venezuela and the United States lock horns over humanitarian assistance, aid groups trying to help millions of hungry and sick Venezuelans seek to avoid being pulled into a political tug-of-war. The briefing on the showdown on the Colombia-Venezuela border
Human Rights Watch defiende los derechos de personas en todo el mundo. Investigamos
exhaustivamente casos de abuso, exponemos ampliamente los hechos y exigimos a
quienes están en el poder que respeten los derechos y garanticen medidas de justicia.
Human Rights Watch es una organización internac...ional independiente cuya labor se
inscribe en un movimiento dinámico por la dignidad humana y la defensa de los derechos
humanos para todos.
(Advance unedited version)
Frequently asked questions on Antimicrobial resistance.
In 2022, humanitarian action will need to adapt to new and challenging realities. The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a heavy toll in developing countries, civilians continue to be the most affected by conflict and extreme poverty is rising. Climate change effects are devastating, forced displacement is... at record levels and 161 million people face acute food insecurity.
Accessed Dec.5, 2018.
The latest instalment of our special report from inside Venezuela exposes a healthcare system where drugs and doctors are harder and harder to come by, and shortages of water and electricity help disease and death thrive.
Статья посвящена 90-летию с момента создания нигерной теории болезни Паркинсона известным саратов-ским ученым К. Н. третьяковым.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aax2196; Science 08 Mar 2019: Vol. 363, Issue 6431, pp. 1017
The survey, conducted between March 1–10, 2018, assessed the performance of 104 public and 33 private hospitals in Venezuela. According to the figures, most laboratory services and hospital nutrition services are only available intermittently or are completely inoperative. Shortages of items such ...as basic medicines, catheters, surgical supplies, and infant formula are highlighted in the survey; 14% of intensive care units have been shut down because they are unable to operate and 79% of the facilities analysed have no water at all.