Webinar on COVID-19 for physicians conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.
L’objectif de cette boîte à outils est de rassembler les enseignements et les orientations actuels comme point de départ pour que les parties prenantes entament le travail de préparation en matière de SSR. Dans le cadre de la SSR, le domaine de la préparation est relativement nouveau et en p...leine expansion. Un effort collectif plus important est nécessaire pour évaluer l’incidence de la préparation et faire avancer le domaine. Cet effort constitue la première ébauche d’un projet d’orientations de la préparation en matière de SSR, et est destiné aux essais sur le terrain. La présente boîte à outils reconnaît le travail de longue date effectué dans le domaine de la gestion des situations d’urgence et des risques de catastrophe, et s’efforce de faire le lien entre ce travail et le domaine de la santé sexuelle et reproductive, axé sur les droits humains et sur les personnes.
Here you will find poster for vaccination sites, patient care areas, at the entrances, hand hygiene, PPE, Cleaning
Here you will find poster for vaccination sites, patient care areas, at the entrances, hand hygiene, PPE, Cleaning
This poster set includes water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) posters to teach about good WASH practices, including household water treatment technologies.
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
School Nutrition Education Material for Teachers, Parents, and School-Aged Children is a set of nutrition education materials developed by the World Food Programme with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and UNICEF
I play and learn
Material for teachers and community educators. Indigenous Early Childhood
I play and learn. Materials for boys and girls
Indigenous Early Childhood
Este material “YO JUEGO Y APRENDO", material para niños,está dirigido a niños del nivel inicial de tres y cuatro años de edad pertenecientes a pueblos indígenas, se enmarca en los principios y fundamentos del Marco C...urricular y del Programa de Estudios de Jardín de Infantes y Preescolar del MEC.
Be a hero, be prepared! Learn with Tanah how to be prepared in case of tsunamis and earthquakes.
Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter is a mobile gaming app developed by UNESCO-Bangkok, the Red Cross Global Disaster Preparedness Center, and USAID. Players can download the game for free on th...eir mobile devices and follow the avatar Tanah through different levels as she prepares for and respond to tsunamis and earthquakes.
It is available in English, Spanish, Nepalese, and Bahasa Indonesian. Android and IOS
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Res...piratory Syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Communication Resources Bank of the National Ministry of Health | Materials for Health Teams