Amphetamine-type stimulants, new psychoactive substances
World Drug Report 2017
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Повышение цены на алкоголь является одной из наиболее эффективных мер политики по сокращению общего потребления алкоголя в стране и, следовательно, по снижению ур...овня связанного с алкоголем вреда. Налогообложение - это распространенный способ контроля за ценами на алкогольные напитки, а при корректировке в соответствии с инфляцией это может быть эффективной мерой как для снижения вреда, так и для повышения поступлений в государственный бюджет. В данном отчете описывается политика налогообложения алкоголя в Кыргызстане в период с 2006 по 2016 год, а также ее влияние на поступления в бюджет и вред, связанный с алкоголем. Реализация решительных политических мер в период 2012-2014 годов позволила снизить доступность
алкоголя и привела к сокращению оборота и потребления алкоголя, а также вреда, связанного с алкоголем. Хотя налоговая политика в Кыргызстане, повидимому, оказала положительное влияние, увеличение налогов должно сопровождаться действиями Правительства по контролю за производством, продажей и потреблением незаконного алкоголя.
Petersen et al. Int J Ment Health Syst (2016) 10:30 DOI 10.1186/s13033-016-0060-z
Based on the survey, five principles for deinstitutionalization were identified: community-based services must be in place; the health workforce must be committed to change; political support at the highest and broadest levels is crucial; timing is key; and additional financial resources are needed.
This NCEPOD report highlights the quality of mental health and physical health care for patients aged 18 years or older with a significant mental disorder who are admitted to a general hospital. The report takes a critical look at areas where the care of patients might have been improved. Remediable... factors have also been identified in the clinical and the organisational care of these patients.
Tobacco control legislation: an introductory guide
Building laboratory testing capacity
Do you sometimes have sudden attacks of
anxiety and overwhelming fear that last for
several minutes? Maybe your heart pounds,
you sweat, and you feel like you can’t
breathe or think. Do these attacks occur at
unpredictable times with no obvious trigger,
causing you to worry about the possibi...lity of
having another one at any time?
Настоящая брошюра посвящена организации наркологической помощи женщинам с учетом их особых потребностей. Она подготовлена в рамках проекта Управления Организац...и Объединенных Наций по наркотикам и преступности (ЮНОДК) по содействию развитию и совершенствованию наркологических служб на основе материалов специальной литературы и тематических исследований, которые подтверждают практический опыт, полученный в процессе оказания наркологических услуг в различных регионах мира.
The Panorama Perspectives: Conversations on Planetary Health report series aims to inspire new thinking, conversations, and engagement with planetary health and other integrated concepts. Collaboration and open knowledge sharing across sectors are necessary to solve the complex global health and dev...elopment problems of today. These reports are intended as practical tools, presenting actionable opportunities to advance planetary health.Each report expands on knowledge gathered from many sources, including analysis of publicly available reports and data; forums and events; group discussions; and individual conversations
Position Statement
Diabetes Care2018;42(Suppl. 1):S1–S194.
The new guidelines provide public health guidance on pharmacological agents for managing hyperglycaemia in type 1 and type 2 diabetes for use in primary health-care in low-resource settings. These guidelines update the recommendations for managing hyperglycaemia in the WHO Package of Essential NCD I...nterventions (WHO PEN) for primary care in low-resources settings, reviewing several newer oral agents as second- and third-line treatment: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and thiazolidinediones. The guidelines also present recommendations on the selection of type of insulin (analogue versus human insulin) for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
New criteria for classifying and diagnosing hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy have been accepted by a group of experts convened by WHO. These new criteria are an update of recommendations published by WHO in 1999
mhGAP is based on evidence-based technical guidelines (4) and provides a set of tools and
training packages to extend service provision. The mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG)
for MNS disorders in non-specialized health settings (8) is a clinical decision-making tool
for assessing and managing p...riority MNS conditions (depression, psychoses, epilepsy, child
and adolescent mental and behavioural disorders, dementia, disorders due to substance
use, self-harm and suicide).
In this report, potential reasons for this apparent
contradiction between cherished human values
and observed social actions are explored with a
view to better formulating concrete steps that
governments and other stakeholders can take to
reshape social attitudes and public policy.
Depression is a leading cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide, with a lifetime prevalence of 9% among European adult men and 17% among European adult women.
The task at hand requires substantial investments in preventive mental health care, but the potential benefits can be equally rewarding.... After all, mental wellbeing is a key resource for learning, productivity, participation and inclusion. Investing in proactive care to promote, protect and sustain mental health in the population is therefore likely to offer good value for money.
The present Consolidated guidelines include a comprehensive set of WHO recommendations for the treatment and care of DR-TB, derived from these WHO guidelines documents. The consolidated guidelines include policy recommendations on treatment regimens for isoniazid-resistant TB (Hr-TB) and MDR/RR-TB, ...including longer and shorter regimens, culture monitoring of patients on treatment, the timing of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in MDR/RR-TB patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), use of surgery for patients receiving MDR-TB treatment, and optimal models of patient support and care.