Compared with other health areas, the mental health impacts of climate change have received less research attention. The literature on climate change and mental health is growing rapidly but is characterised by several limitations and research gaps. In a field where the need for designing evidence-b...ased adaptation strategies is urgent, and research gaps are vast, implementing a broad, all-encompassing research agenda will require some strategic focus.
The climate crisis has many consequences – among them widespread health impacts that will lead to immense societal, ecological, and economic harm.
Over the past two decades multiple large-scale reviews on climate change and health have made clear the need for a multi-sectoral approach to target t...he drivers and impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem degradation. Despite this abundance of scientific evidence underscoring urgency of action, policy implementation responses lag behind. Even at COP26, itself delayed due to an ongoing pandemic, health continues to be considered by many countries a problem independent from climate and environment.
Le cadre conceptuel scientifique pour la neutralité de la dégradation des terres (LDN) fournit une base scientifique pour comprendre, mettre en œuvre et surveiller la LDN. Il a été conçu pour créer un pont entre la vision et la mise en œuvre pratique de la NCD, en définissant la NCD en opérationnels. Le cadre conceptuel est un produit de l'interface science-politique de la CCD.
This guideline aims to improve the quality of essential, routine postnatal care for women and newborns with the ultimate goal of improving maternal and newborn health and well-being. It recognizes a “positive postnatal experience” as a significant end point for all women giving birth and their n...ewborns, laying the platform for improved short- and long-term health and well-being. A positive postnatal experience is defined as one in which women, newborns, partners, parents, caregivers and families receive information, reassurance and support in a consistent manner from motivated health workers; where a resourced and flexible health system recognizes the needs of women and babies, and respects their cultural context.
This is a consolidated guideline of new and existing recommendations on routine postnatal care for women and newborns receiving facility- or community-based postnatal care in any resource setting.
This recommendation is an update of one of the 49 recommendations that were published in the WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. The recommendation was developed initially using the standardized operating procedures described in the WHO handbook for guideline d...evelopment.
In summary, the process included: (i) identification of priority question and outcomes; (ii) retrieval of evidence; (iii) assessment and synthesis of the evidence; (iv) formulation of recommendation; and (v) planning for the implementation, dissemination, impact evaluation and updating of the recommendation. This recommendation was identified by the Executive Guideline Steering Group (GSG) as a high priority for updating in response to new evidence on this question.
The WHO Global strategy on human resources for health: workforce 2030 encourages development partners and global health initiatives to leverage their support to health systems in countries to sustainably strengthen the health workforce. To assess the impact of these investments, a methodology was de...veloped and pilot tested by WHO.
The impact assessment tool (consisting of an MS Excel calculator with two subsets) supports users to:
• assess and quantify the health impact of HRH investments made in the context of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria programmes through their modelled effect on health service coverage of these three diseases; and
• provide aggregate indicative estimates of the range of health workers required to attain high coverage of selected health services.
The Strategy provides a high-level unifying framework to leverage existing capacities, address barriers and strengthen the use of genomic surveillance in the detection, monitoring and response to public health threats. Genomic surveillance is part of the broader surveillance and laboratory system, a...nd its implementation should reinforce end-to-end capacities including sample collection, diagnostics, data sharing and analysis. The strategy aims to facilitate the connectivity between different disease control programs and surveillance networks. This interoperability will strengthen the cross-cutting essential public health laboratory functions underpinning genomics holistically. The strategy articulates the overarching goal, objectives and strategic actions needed. These are dependent on commitments from countries, partners and WHO for their implementation.
The Scientific Conceptual Framework for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) provides a scientific foundation for understanding, implementing and monitoring LDN. It has been designed to create a bridge between the vision and the practical implementation of LDN, by defining LDN in operational terms. The... conceptual framework is a product of the UNCCD Science-Policy Interface.
ISN Public Affairs Kidney International Supplements (2020) 10, e19–e23
Second edition.
AVailable in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Portuguese
Le CoPEH-Canada a généré une série de ressources d'enseignement pendant plus d'une décennie. Ces ressources ont commencé avec la production du Manuel d'enseignement CoPEH-Canada (2012), dédié à Bruce Hunter. Nos ressources de formation se sont élargies pour inclure en plus des modules, des... vidéos, et des enregistrements des Webalogues.
Together for One Health. Building on the momentum of increased collaboration, the WHO, FAO, OIE and UNEP have developed a Strategic Framework for collaboration on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This Framework reflects the joint work of the four organizations to advance a One Health response to AMR the global, regional and country level. It broadly supports the implementation of the five pillars of the Global Action Plan on AMR, as well as strengthening global AMR governance.
National-scale databases and reliability issue
Background report
7 April 2022. Aimed at national policymakers, public health and healthcare planners, staff working in reception centres, and healthcare staff caring for displaced persons, the information note concludes that universal testing of incoming refugees from Ukraine for tuberculosis (TB) infection is not r...ecommended. Specific groups, such as household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary cases, or those who are immunocompromised should however be considered for TB infection testing.
Available in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Ukranian
L’objectif des présentes orientations est de renforcer la capacité des établissements de santé à protéger et à améliorer la santé des communautés desservies face à un climat instable et changeant ; et de donner aux établissements de santé les moyens d’ leur durabilité environnementale, grâce à une meilleure utilisation des ressources et à une diminution du rejet de déchets dans l’environnement. En étant résilients au changement climatique et écologiquement viables, les établissements de santé peuvent offrir des soins de qualité et des services plus accessibles, et en contribuant à réduire les coûts des établissements, ils garantissent également la prestation de soins plus abordables. Ils représentent par conséquent un élément important de la couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU).
Le présent document a pour objectif de :
guider les professionnels travaillant dans des structures de soins de santé de manière à ce qu’ils comprennent les risques sanitaires supplémentaires liés au changement climatique et qu’ils s’y préparent efficacement ;
renforcer la capacité à exercer une surveillance efficace des maladies liées au climat ; et à suivre, anticiper, gérer les risques sanitaires associés au changement climatique et à s’y adapter ;
inciter les responsables des établissements de santé à collaborer avec les secteurs déterminants pour la santé (notamment l’eau et l’assainissement, l’énergie, les transports, l’alimentation, l’urbanisme, l’environnement) afin de se préparer aux risques sanitaires supplémentaires posés par le changement climatique grâce à l’adoption d’une approche de résilience, et à promouvoir des pratiques écologiquement durables dans la prestation des services ;
fournir des outils pour aider les responsables des établissements de santé à évaluer leur résilience face aux menaces liées au changement climatique et leur durabilité environnementale, sur la base de l’utilisation appropriée des ressources (en particulier l’eau et l’énergie et les achats durables), et du rejet de matières dangereuses (biologiques, chimiques, radiologiques) dans leur environnement ;
promouvoir des mesures visant à garantir que les établissements de santé soient constamment et de plus en plus solides et continuent d’être efficaces et réactifs pour améliorer la santé et contribuer à réduire les inégalités et la vulnérabilité dans leur contexte local.
This European compendium was produced to provide operational examples of the new nursing and midwifery roles and new service delivery models currently being employed across the Region. The case studies directly relate to the priority areas in Health 2020 and exemplify the types of activities needed fully implement the objectives within the Strategic Directions framework.