This 88 page book is designed to help primary care workers understand mental health problems and how they can be treated. Mental health problems from childhood to old age are examined. The book focuses primarily on the Afghan culture but is also relevant to a wider community
Le Burkina Faso traverse des flambées épidémiques complexes sans précédent de la poliomyélite et du virus Corona qui affectent gravement le pays.
Avec de multiples maladies endémiques et d'autres flambées signalées telles que la rougeole, la méningite, le virus Corona, découvert pour l...a première fois en Chine début décembre 2019, a gravement affecté la population du Burkina Faso et son système de santé. Comme c'est le cas pour plusieurs pays Il s'agit de la première histoire de l'épidémie de corona virus dans le Pays, et qui est l'un des pays à avoir enregistré de nombreux cas avec un taux de mortalité élevé. La particularité est le mélange de crise humanitaire et la pandémie COVID-19 marqué par une transmission interhumaine active et étendue dans différentes régions du pays.
2nd edition. Essential guideline for humanitarian assistance
Compared with other health areas, the mental health impacts of climate change have received less research attention. The literature on climate change and mental health is growing rapidly but is characterised by several limitations and research gaps. In a field where the need for designing evidence-b...ased adaptation strategies is urgent, and research gaps are vast, implementing a broad, all-encompassing research agenda will require some strategic focus.
Available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic
This document brings to attention key health and human rights considerations with regards to COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of integrating a human rights based approach in response to COVID-19. It provides key considerations in relation to addressing stigma and discrimination, preve...ntion of violence against women, support for vulnerable populations; quarantine and restrictive measures and shortages of supplies and equipment. It also highlights human rights obligations with regards to global cooperation to address COVID-19.
Overview: Risk communication and community engagement are essential for any disease outbreak response. This is particularly critical during outbreaks of Ebola which may create fear in the public and frontline responders alike due to severe presentation of symptoms, misunderstanding of the causes of ...illness and high fatality rates. This document outlines some of the key considerations for risk communication and community engagement response to Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ebola outbreaks have been associated with misinformation and false rumours. In the context of RCCE, rumours refer to unsubstantiated information, claims or beliefs about what is causing the disease or how it can be treated/cured. If not proactively addressed in culturally appropriate ways, misinformation and rumours can lead to the further rapid spread of the disease and unnecessary deaths, severe disease, suffering, and societal and economic loss.
The publication includes a 'Rumour Tracking Tool' (Annex II).