The article discusses the significant impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a global health issue, with cigarette smoking as the main risk factor. However, in developing countries, the causes of COPD are often multifactorial, involving environmental tobacco smoke, biomass fuel sm...oke, dust, fumes, childhood illnesses, and tuberculosis (TB). Up to half of COPD patients in these regions are non-smokers. The article emphasizes that while smoking is crucial, other risk factors contribute significantly to COPD, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. It highlights the need for targeted research and public health strategies to address these diverse contributors to COPD, especially in Africa.
These National Operational Guidelines for Viral Load Testing detail how routine viral load testing will be implemented at the facility level in India. They include frequency and interpretation of monitoring, sample collections, storage and transportation, receipt of results, adherence counseling, an...d reporting requirements. Roles and responsibilities are outlined as well as turnaround time requirements.
SAMJ Review Vol. 108 No.3
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR):
Guidelines for national programmes and other stakeholders
Annexes for webposting and CD-Rom distribution with the policy guidelines
В этих новых руководящих принципах рекомендуется использовать упрощенный алгоритм скрининга, основанного на четырех клинических симптомах, для выявления ...иц, которым показана либо ПТИ, либо дальнейшая диагностика для выявления ТБ и других заболеваний.
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Urinary Tract Infection
Serie de Protocolos de Manejo Clinico para Atencion Primaria de la Salud
Update 2021; Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals
В сборнике представлены статьи специалистов в сфере охраны психического здоровья по различным академическим дисциплинам, включая общую медицину, психиатрию, пси...отерапию, психологию, социологию, педагогику, юриспруденцию, экономику, спорт, по материалам Конгресса ≪Психическое здоровье человека XXI века≫, который состоялся 7–8 октября 2016 г. в Москве.
The collection of scientific papers is collected from different areas of scientific knowledge, including general medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology, social policy, education, law, economics and sport. The publication contains materials that were delivered to the Organizing Committee of the Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century. The collection is intended for researchers and practitioners acting in the field of the mental health care.
English Manual and Guideline on World about Food and Nutrition, Health and Epidemic; published on 30 Nov 2021 by USAID
Профилактика и работа в условиях пандемии COVID-19 в учреждениях долговременного ухода в Европейском регионе ВОЗ
В настоящем техническом руководстве определено ...десять задач для лиц, принимающих решения,
разработчиков политики и национальных или региональных органов здравоохранения, стремящихся
обеспечить профилактику и работу в условиях пандемии COVID в учреждениях долговременного ухода.
Clinical care for severe acute respiratory infection: toolkit: COVID-19 adaptation
Clinical care for severe acute respiratory infection: toolkit: COVID-19 adaptation
Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4: e271–79