Guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the use of co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for HIV-related infections among adults, adolescents, and children: recommendations for a public health approach : December 2014 supplement to the 2013 Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs... for treating and preventing HIV infection.
Expert Consensus Report for Emergency Centres in
Western Cape
Manual of Operations
First Edition 2016
Shielding is a term used to describe the protection of individuals at high risk of severe COVID-19 illness by separating them from the general population.
In this document, recommendations are provided on designing and implementing
a cross-sectional serosurvey using school-based sampling to estimate age-specific
DENV seroprevalence to inform a country’s national dengue vaccination program.
The document includes recommendations for methods for ...planning and conducting
serosurveys, including survey design, specimen collection, laboratory testing, data
analysis, and the interpretation and reporting of results.
Le document Supervision de soutien pendant la COVID-19 s'adresse aux Sociétés nationales de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. Il est conçu pour leur fournir des conseils pour offrir une supervision de soutien aux volontaires pendant la COVID-19.
Experiences and recommendations from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Measures imposed by governments to prevent the spread of the disease, including lockdown restrictions, quarantines, physical distancing, and their economic and social consequences, further increase this dist...ress and the risk of mental health problems.
La République Démocratique du Congo connait une fragilité sociale issue de divers conflits communautaires qui ont déstabilisés le tissu économique du pays sans épargner le secteur éducatif depuis plusieurs années. Les sources de fragilité sont aussi liées à la pauvreté de la population à l’insécurité alimentaire (15,5 millions de personnes en 2019). De plus, le pays fait face à d’autres crises comme les catastrophes naturelles et différentes épidémies y compris le Cholera, la maladie a virus d’Ébola et COVID19.
This module is part of the WHO series The Immunological Basis for Immunization, which was initially developed in 1993 as a set of eight modules, comprising one module on general immunology and seven modules each devoted to one of the vaccines recommended for the Expanded Programme on Immunization, i....e. vaccines against diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Since then, this series has been updated and extended to include other vaccines of international importance. The main purpose of the modules is to provide national immunization managers and vaccination professionals with an overview of the scientific basis of vaccination against a range of important infectious diseases. The modules developed since 1993 continue to be vaccine-specific, reflecting the biological differences in immune responses to the individual pathogens and the differing strategies employed to create the best possible level of protection that can be provided by vaccination. The modules also serve as a record of the immunological basis for the WHO recommendations on vaccine use, published in the WHO vaccine position papers.*
Practical guide for doctors, nurses,laboratory technicians, medical auxiliaries,water and sanitation specialists and logisticians
Children in refugee situations face many potential dangers, such as violence, abuse, exploitation, discrimination, separation from their families, trafficking and military recruitment. The impact of these experiences can be devastating and long-lasting. Children have different needs from adults and ...these needs can only be identified and met if they are approached in a way that is specific to children.
The impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic has exacerbated the dangers faced by children in refugee situations and laid bare the need for their protection and for ensuring that all their human rights are upheld all the time.
The goal of this publication is to share examples of approaches by members of the Initiative that have proven effective for children.
BMJ Open2018;8:e020423. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-02042
EC has been increasingly used in the evaluation of maternal and child health programmes.12–15 For instance, Nesbitt et al compared crude coverage and EC of pregnant women with facility-based obstetric services in Ghana and estimated that alth...ough 68% of the women studied had service access only 18% received high-quality care provided by a skilled birth attendant.16 Similarly, by comparing EC of young children receiving Strengths and limitation of this study. Using multiple data sources (direct observation, vignettes, facility inventories) this study comprehensively assessed under 5-year-old child service
performance of first-line health facilities. We conducted this study in around 500 primary-level health facilities and within 7000 households
across six regions in Burkina Faso.
Accessed on 20.10.2020
In its fight against maternal mortality, the government of Burkina Faso is supported
by the donor community which contributes to the health budget and also supports
specific projects aimed at improving access to health care. This report acknowledges
the efforts to address ...maternal mortality undertaken by the government with the help
of the donor community, as well as projects led by international and national NGOs.
Acessed on 20.10.2020
Dans sa lutte contre la mortalité maternelle, le gouvernement du Burkina Faso est soutenu par les bailleurs de fonds qui contribuent au budget de la santé et financent également des projets spécifiques visant à améliorer l’accès aux soins. Le présent rapport reconna...t les efforts fournis par le gouvernement burkinabè afin de s’attaquer à la mortalité maternelle, avec l’aide des bailleurs de fonds, et souligne l’importance des projets menés par des ONG nationales et internationales.
Au plan conceptuel, le PNDS 2011-2020 est l’instrument de mise en œuvre de la
Politique nationale de santé (PNS). Dans cette perspective, il est organisé autour des
huit orientations prioritaires retenues dans la Politique nationale de santé. Chacune de ces orientations stratégiques est tra...duite en axes d’interventions et en actions
Pour sa mise en œuvre, des plans triennaux seront élaborés en déclinant les actions
prioritaires retenues en activités opérationnelles.
Le présent PNDS 2011-2020 est accompagné d’un plan de suivi et d’évaluation pour
assurer un suivi optimal de sa mise en œuvre.
Le cancer, troisième cause de mortalité, constitue un problème de santé publique au
Burkina Faso. Des actions isolées et sporadiques existent sur le terrain pour faire
face à la demande et aux besoins mais elles restent insuffisantes et non
coordonnées du fait de l’absence de programme.
Compte tenu de cette situation, le Ministère de la santé a élaboré la politique
nationale de lutte contre les maladies non transmissibles et un Programme national
de lutte contre le cancer (PNLC). Le présent plan stratégique est un outil
d’opérationnalisation dudit programme.
La SNPEME définit ainsi les orientations nationales pour la promotion de l‟abandon
total du mariage d‟enfants et comporte un ensemble d‟actions pertinentes retenues
de façon consensuelle. Elle décrit en outre le cadre législatif, les mécanismes et les
modalités de sa mise en œuvre. E...lle s‟articule autour des points suivants :
- l‟analyse diagnostique ;
- les éléments de la stratégie;
- le financement ;
- le mécanisme de mise en œuvre ;
- les hypothèses et risques.