Situation of Disabilities in Indonesia with Data and Statistics
Guidelines for Therapy and Management of Prostate Cancer in Indonesia
El propósito general de la reunión fue analizar la interrelación entre la salud, la nutrición y el desarrollo infantil, dentro del marco de la “Estrategia Global para la Alimentación y Nutrición del Infante y Niño Pequeño” (OMS/UNICEF).
During this work, a survey on essential medicines availability was conducted. This article was first written on this subject for sharing the poor financial availability of the essential medicines in the hospital and secondly, a call for an action to be taken in improving hospital pharmacies developm...ent in each hospital in Burkina Faso.
Der Globale Aktionsplan für ein gesundes Leben und das Wohlergehen aller Menschen und der Prozess zur Neuformulierung der Strategie der Bundesregierung zu Globaler Gesundheit
Capítulo A.6
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traductores: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Jaume Morey
9th edition; 4th English edition 2020
Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries
The Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2) is a launch into the home strait of our Vision 2020. We are faced with new challenges of ensuring greater self reliance and developing global competitiveness. Conscious of these challenges, we forge ahead knowing that working t...ogether, we always overcome.
The EDPRS 2 period is the time when our private sector is expected to take the driving seat in economic growth and poverty reduction. Through this strategy we will focus government efforts on transforming the economy, the private sector and alleviating constraints to growth of
investment. We will develop the appropriate skills and competencies to allow our people particularly the youth to become more productive and competitive to support our ambitions. We will also strengthen the platform for communities to engage decisively and to continue to develop home grown solutions that have been the bedrock of our success. These are fundamental principles as we work to improve the lives of all Rwandans in the face of an uncertain global economic environment.
12 Departmental Wall Charts
Le Sénégal a réalisé des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) en 1986, 1992, 1997, 2005, et 2010-2011. Au sortir de l’édition de 2010-2011, le pays s’est engagé dans la mise en œuvre d’un programme d’enquêtes dont la périodicité de collecte de données est ramenée à un an... (EDScontinue). C’est ainsi que la première phase a été réalisée en 2012-2013 et celle de 2017 est la cinquième. L’EDS- Continue comporte un volet traitant de la production d’indicateurs sociodémographiques et sanitaires (volet ménages) et un autre qui apprécie la disponibilité des ressources matérielles et humaines ainsi que la qualité des soins offerts par les services de santé aux populations (volet établissements de santé).
Enquête Démographique et de Santé 2017-2018 Rapport de synthèse, Bénin
Instruction pour lire et comprendre les tableaux de L'Enquête Continue des Prestations des Soins de Santé (ECPSS 2016).
Este relatório apresenta informações sobre o conhecimento, atitutes e comportamentos em relação ao HIV/SIDA, a prevalência da malária e de indicadores básicos de saúde da mulher e da criança em Moçambique, tal como recolhida através do IMASIDA 2015 que foi realizado no âmbito do program...a de Inquéritos Demográficos e de Saúde.