Programmatic update
April 2012
Executive Summary
Integrated Management of pregnancy and childbirth
Coordinated Use of Anthelminthic Drugs in Control Interventions: a Manual for Health Professionals and Programme Managers
These guidelines provide specific recommendations and expert suggestions — for national policy-makers and programme managers and their partners and stakeholders— on prioritizing, planning and providing HIV testing, counselling, treatment and care services for adolescents
The integrated Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD)
A global Review of evidence and practice
The report offers an overview of the progress the humanitarian sector has made and the obstacles it has faced over the past 10 years. Accountability is no longer just a fashionable term, there is now a shared understanding of what it takes to be accountable. From changes at policy level, to concrete... actions taken in the field, this report documents this sector-wide shift. It also shows that being accountable to the people we aim to serve is not just the right thing to do, it is also the best way to ensure programmes are relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable
A public health emergency operations centre (EOC) is a central location for coordinating operational information and resources for strategic management of pugencies and events. EOCs provide communication and information tools and services blic health emer-
and a management system during a response an emergency or event. This report lays out components and characteristics of an emergency operations plan, providing a suggested structure for plans and procedures. The planning process, and that of coducting a hazard analysis or needs assessment, are also discussed as key steps
Confernece Report 15-16 April 2013 - Dublin, Ireland
- Resilient Markets
- Resilient Agriculture
- Resilient People
- Political Leadership for Resilient Growth
- The Role of Plant Nutrition in Supporting Food Security
- Micronutrient Malnutrition: Causes, Prevalence, Consequences and Interventions
- Fertilizer Application and Nutraceutical Content in
Health-Functional Foods
- Plant Nutrition and Health Risks Associated with Plant Diseases
- Human Issues Associated with Nutrient Use in Organic
and Conventional Crop Production
This publication is designed to be used by programme planners and managers as a resource when designing interventions to integrate postpartum family planning into national and subnational strategies. Postpartum family planning should not be considered a ‘vertical’ programme, but rather as an int...egrated part of existing maternal and child health and family planning efforts. Successful interventions for postpartum family planning require holistic and evidence-based programme strategies that contribute to strengthened health systems and sustained improvements in high-quality services that put people at the centre of health care
Mainstreaming Gender in Water and Sanitation
this toolkit presents a structured, rating-based methodology designed to provide a rapid, comprehensive assessment of the capacity of the human resource support system for a country’s supply chain. Data are gathered from a document review, focus group discussions, and in-country stakeholder interv...iews to identify the strengths, areas for improvement, opportunities, and challenges for a wide range of human resource inputs and components. The findings are transformed into specific recommendations and strategies for action based on an understanding of country priorities and programming gaps. It includes Word templates; PowerPoint templates and Exce-based Diagnostic Dashboard