Guia sobre direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres durante a pandemia da COVID-19
- Contracepção, aborto legal, gestação, parto e pós-parto
Orientações para médicos: preenchimento da declaração de óbito no contexto da síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica pediátrica associada à covid-19
Publicação destinada a orientar os médicos sobre o preenchimento das condições e causas do óbito (bloco V da Declaração de Óbito) n...o contexto da síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica pediátrica (SIM-P) associada à covid-19.
Orientações sobre causas de mortes no contexto da covid-19 : respostas às perguntas mais frequentes
As perguntas, agrupadas em blocos nesta publicação, foram realizadas durante as videoconferências de apresentação das novas orientações e no decorrer do processo de trabalho, pelos profissi...onais codificadores e gestores do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) nas esferas estaduais e municipais.
Orientações sobre novos códigos de emergência para as causas de morte relacionadas a condições que ocorrem no contexto da covid-19
Publicação que se destina a padronizar a codificação das causas de morte informadas na Declaração de Óbito, considerando a 10ª Revisão da Classificação... Internacional de Doenças, no contexto da covid-19
La técnica diagnóstica ampliamente usada a nivel mundial corresponde a la Prueba de Tuberculina o test de Mantoux, la que a través de la inyección de antígenos de Micobacterium tuberculosis permite medir la reacción del individuo y estimar su probabilidad de infección. El presente manual como objetivo describir la técnica para la realización del examen, además de ofrecer lineamientos para su uso programático en Chile.
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar descriptivamente cómo la pandemia afectó a las empresas en Chile, empleando para ello información tributaria de contribuyentes de primera categoría para los años 2019 y 2020.
To its credit, Chile has implemented a highly successful vaccine program and taken a number of other important public health measures to improve the well-being of its inhabitants. Nevertheless, these measures have proved insufficient to curb the spread of the virus and ensure full compliance wit...h Chile’s obligations to respect, protect and
fulfil the right to health. It is in this context that this report examines the human rights impacts of the pandemic and the responses of the Chilean authorities.
Civil disorder, authority credibility and public health: Chile’s unique sociopolitical
context in dealing with COVID-19.
Este documento realiza recomendaciones para la Supervisión de Salud Infantil en Atención Primaria de Salud, de manera de reorganizar y apoyar la eficiencia en la gestión de la oferta programática presencial ampliando la respuesta de acuerdo con la evolución de la pandemia. De esta forma, comple...menta las acciones señaladas en el documento “Orientación para la continuidad de la atención en APS en contexto de pandemia COVID-19” Ordinario N° 3991, diciembre 2020.
COVID-19, recomendaciones para el manejo
farmacológico / COVID-19, recommendations for pharmacological management
Child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) threaten the well-being of millions of girls around the world. Both have existed for generations, as manifestations of gender inequality, and have been propagated by discriminatory norms that devalue girls. In many countries where both child marriag...e and FGM are common, girls most at risk for each practice tend to share certain characteristics, such as low levels of education, rural residence, and living in poorer households. Yet, there are distinct differences in what drives each practice, and many communities in which one may be common, will not practice the other.
This report seeks to identify the extent to which child marriage and FGM co-exist. The intersection of these two practices – that is, the share of women who underwent FGM and were married in childhood – is reviewed over time, to determine whether girls’ likelihood of experiencing both practices has changed across generations. Lastly, the analysis identifies the characteristics that most commonly distinguish the girls who experience one practice from those who experience both.
Viral hepatitis is defined as inflammation of the liver cells due to viral infection. The burden of liver disease in South Africa is mostly underestimated as viral hepatitis, in particular chronic infection, is a silent and neglected cause of morbidity and mortality. However, the burden of disease i...s likely substantial given the prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis. This burden is further compounded by the lack of screening and access to care and treatment as well as inadequate disease surveillance, human and financial resources.
The National Guidelines for the Management of Viral Hepatitis were developed, with the purpose to:
inform healthcare workers in the public and private sectors about the disease, its epidemiology in South Africa and current methods of diagnosis and therapy
strengthen the healthcare response to viral hepatitis
empower communicable diseases workers and stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding appropriate and cost effective interventions
Von den nachstehend aufgeführten Ärztinnen und Ärzten wird das "Beratungsnetzwerk Tuberkulose" des Bundesverbandes der Ärztinnen und Ärzte des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (BVÖGD) unterhalten, das sich seit dem Jahr 2000 in der Praxis bewährt hat. Es wird – in Ergänzung vorhandener ü...berregionaler Beratungsangebote (DZK, NRZ, RKI) – fachlicher Rat zur Tuberkulose (Prävention, Früherkennung, empfohlene Maßnahmen) auf schriftlichem Wege, per Telefon oder über E-Mail angeboten. Adressaten sind vor allem Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des ÖGD, bei dringlichem Beratungsbedarf auch ärztliche Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Gesundheitseinrichtungen unterschiedlicher Träger oder in eigener Niederlassung.
Biomédica 2018;38:180-8
Norma Técnica para la Supervisión de SALUD INTEGRAL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE 0 A 9 AÑOS
en la Atención Primaria de Salud - Actualización 2021
Documento incluye recomendaciones para personas con necesidades de manejo terapéutico asociados a consumo problemático de alcohol y otras drogas, problemas o enfermedades de salud mental, discapacidad psíquica, o en condiciones de exclusión social extrema, sin posibilidad de cumplir aislamiento ...en su domicilio y
en alto riesgo de contagio, grupo que también se relevará para el ingreso a las residencias sanitarias.
Guía para el Equpo de Salud
El agente etiológico de la tuberculosis es el Mycobacterium tuberculosis o bacilo de Koch. Se trata de un bacilo aerobio estricto, ácido-alcohol resistente, sin movilidad, de crecimiento lento y que se inactiva con rayos ultravioleta y temperaturas mayores de 60°C.