18 Janaury 2021
EU/EEA Member States and the UK have increased their laboratory capacity tremendously over the past 11 months as the majority of the Member States reported sufficient testing capacity until March 2021.
Many countries are adding rapid antigen detection tests (RADT) to their ...testing strategies in order to reduce pressure on RT-PCR testing.
Some Member States have already included RADT in their case definition.
The main bottlenecks, such as shortages of laboratory consumables and human resources, as well as sample storing facilities, continue to exist and may affect the overall laboratory response to COVID-19.
Prepared by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response for the WHO Executive Board, January 2021
“The world was not as prepared as it should have been, and it must do better,” concludes a WHO panel reviewing the pandemic response "
World Report 2021, Human Rights Watch’s 31st annual review of human rights practices and trends around the globe, reviews developments in more than 100 countries.
In his introductory essay, Executive Director Kenneth Roth calls on the incoming US administration to more deeply embed respect for ...human rights as an element of domestic and foreign policy to counter the “wild oscillations in human rights policy” that in recent decades have come with each new resident of the White House. Roth emphasizes that even as the Trump administration mostly abandoned the protection of human rights, joined by China, Russia and others, other governments—typically working in coalition and some new to the cause—stepped forward to champion rights. As it works to entrench rights protections, the Biden administration should seek to join, not supplant, this new collective effort.
Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Pakistan
Spetember 2020
15 January 2021
This Aide Memoire is for policy makers, immunization programme managers, infection prevention and control (IPC) focal points at national, sub-national, and facility level, as well as for health workers involved in COVID-19 vaccination delivery. This document summarizes the key IPC p...rinciples to consider and the precautions to take for safely delivering COVID-19 vaccines. The principles and recommendations provided in this document derive from World Health Organization (WHO) IPC and immunization standards and other guidance in the context of COVID-19. WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available. All technical guidance for COVID-19 is available online.
Nutrition training of health and agriculture workers can help to reduce child undernutrition. Specifically, trained health extension workers cancontribute through frequent nutrition counselling of caregivers. Evidence from systematic reviews has showed that providing nutrition training targeting hea...lth workers can improve feeding frequency, energy intake, and dietary diversity of children aged six months to two years. Scaling up of nutrition training for health and agriculture workers presents a potential entry point to improve nutrition status among childrenFood insecurity and nutrition deficiency are a common phenomenon in Ethiopia.
28 Dec 2020. The main objective of these guidelines is to provide tools for staff working in the field of immunization to support effective communication between health personnel and the general population, with the aim of strengthening, maintaining or recovering trust in vaccines and the immunizati...on programs in the Region of the Americas.
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Explainer for countries based on commonly asked questions
12 November 2020
This document aims to explain how COVAX vaccines will be allocated amongst participants.
COVID-19 has heavily emphasized how contact tracing is crucial for managing outbreaks, and as part of the strategy for adjusting, and eventually lifting, lockdowns and other stringent public health and social measures. As the pandemic develops further, it will be a core measure to manage further wav...es of infection. In early June 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) convened an online global consultation on contact tracing in the context of COVID-19, looking at the lessons of the pandemic to date; known and emerging best practices; and the measures necessary for urgent implementation, scale-up, maintenance and enhancement of contact tracing activities.
Oxfam’s report found that Covid-19 has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began over a century ago. It sets out how a rigged economy is enabling a super-rich elite to amass wealth in the middle of the worst ...recession since the Great Depression, while billions of people are struggling amid the worst job crisis in over 90 years. Unless rising inequality is tackled, half a billion more people could be living in poverty on less than $5.50 (£4.00) a day in 2030, than at the start of the pandemic.
The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations. This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration r...oute, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection concerns for migrants and assistance provided, and COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. This report utilizes data collected through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Migrant Response Centres (MRCs), Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) data, as well as anecdotal information provided by IOM team members working in the region.
Technical Meeting Report, 14-15 July 2020, Geneva
23 décembre 2020 Ce document résume les recommandations de l'OMS concernant l'utilisation rationnelle des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) dans les établissements de soins de santé et les stratégies temporaires en cas de pénurie aiguë d'approvisionnement. Ce document contient ég...alement 2 sections en annexe qui décrivent les recommandations actualisées d'utilisation des EPI pour les travailleurs de la santé en fonction du scénario de transmission, du milieu et de l'activité dans le contexte de COVID-19 (annexe 1), et des considérations actualisées pour la décontamination ou le retraitement des EPI (annexe 2). Ce guide est destiné aux autorités de santé publique, aux organisations et aux personnes de référence impliquées dans les décisions concernant la distribution, la gestion et l'utilisation des EPI par les travailleurs de la santé.
2-Day Orientation training Orientation Training, 1 Febr. 2021
Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an essential part of the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT) Initiative • Africa CDC set up PACT to drive forward the Africa Union Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19
Available in ...English, French and Arabic
This policy brief examines the implications of COVID-19 and the government’s preventative measure for political stability,9 especially in the short to medium term. It argues that in the short term the disease and the preventative measures could make the country less vulnerable to organised politic...al violence and more vulnerable to riots. In the medium and long term, however, vulnerability to both types of violence could increase, depending on the capacity of political forces to instigate and manage conflict and on their willingness to work together.
Summary of the Ethopian country office of WHO on COVID-19 activities.
This article is part four in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution.
Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs.
Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
Part three focused on the ste...ps from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
This document outlines the different types of vaccines.
Available in English, French, Spanisch, Arabic, Chinese and Russian