The Facilitator's Guide provides instruction and suggestions for teaching the training modules for the Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in the Africa Region, 2nd edition. This training is intended for district level health officers who conduct IDSR activities. Th...e course is laid out in 7 modules that walk participants through the Technical Guidelines (TGs) chapter by chapter. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with the TGs and capable of utilizing them appropriately in their position
Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events:
There are existing a new Version published 2014
The document will provide information for Ministries of Health and hospital sentinel sites on why and how to determine the denominator of at-risk children <5 years of age and rate of meningitis hospitalizations for a sentinel hospital site conducting IB-VPD surveillance. Such a methodology is curren...tly unavailable and this estimation is critical to enable interpretation of surveillance data, particularly pre- and post- vaccine introduction
The main objectives of the training module
- facilitate communication and understanding between the two disciplines of epidemiology and laboratory (medicine) for disease surveillance and outbreak investigation;
- provide the field epidemiologist with a better understanding of basic techniques and analysis and interpretation of results;
- convey the laboratory perspective of public health investigations to field epidemiologists in order to improve collaboration between these two disciplines and to enhance.
Frequently asked questions on Antimicrobial resistance.
The goals of Ebola virus disease (EVD) surveillance during Phase 3 of the Ebola response are to promptly detect new, suspected EVD cases and deaths so as to trigger appropriate response, including rapid diagnosis, case isolation and management, contact tracing, safe burials, and the identification o...f transmission chains
The document covers: introduction on contact tracing in the Ebola response; general considerations for contact tracing; case definition; planning and preparation; personnel; implementation, and tools for contact tracing.
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to
Information on what to expect of your baby as he/she grows and develops and safety concerns for your baby. Available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Serbian and Vietnamese. For other language versions go to