October 2018
This publication was produced at the request of the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared independently by David Lowe, David Hales, Britt Herstad, Billy Pick, Aisuluu Bolotbaeva, and Gulgun Jonboboeva.
In April 2018, Refugees International (RI) conducted a mission to Bangladesh, to research the GBV (gender-based violence) response for Rohingya women and girls. RI found that the entire humanitarian system is struggling under tremendous constraints in Bangladesh, and protection and health actors do ...deliver lifesaving services to survivors in an incredibly challenging environment. This report, however, focuses on key gaps and challenges in GBV programming, as communicated by practitioners deployed to Bangladesh at various stages of the emergency, by local organizations, and by the affected women and girls themselves.
In the analyses and recommendations provided in this report, RI draws in part from the framework of the international initiative to safeguard women and girls in emergencies — the Call to Action on Protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies — and urges the donors and humanitarian organizations that are Call to Action partners to implement it more effectively and with urgency during this emergency.
This report serves the specific purpose of collating legally relevant information on conditions in countries of origin pertinent to the assessment of claims for asylum. It is not intended to be a general report on human rights conditions. The report is prepared within a specified time frame on the b...asis of publicly available documents as well as information provided by experts. All sources are cited and fully referenced.
This report provides insights into the prevalence of belief systems and gender norms among young women and men in the region. It looks in depth at the most entrenched beliefs and behaviours among the younger population and provides ample evidence that we must challenge and change the prevailing beli...ef systems and gender norms if we are to make real progress in guaranteeing the right of all women and girls to a life free from violence.
9th Edition
Offering information on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research
July 2018
This fourth edition of the Unitaid/WHO market and technology landscape: HIV rapid diagnostic tests for self-testing report summarizes the current HIV testing gap; the challenges facing efforts to scale up; and the potential role HIV self-testing (HIVST) could play to achieve the United... Nation’s 90-90-90 targets. In particular, the report synthesises the existing and emerging market demand and supply of kits.
The information in this report is intended for manufacturers, donors, national programmes, researchers and other global health stakeholders who are exploring the potential role of HIVST.
Les progrès substantiels et soutenus du Sénégal dans la lutte contre le paludisme constituent une réussite exemplaire en matière de santé publique et une source d’enseignements potentiels pour d’autres pays sur la voie de l’élimination. Ce document décrit trois facteurs principaux de s...uccès :(1) un leadership exceptionnel et un fort engagement des partenaires, (2) l’atteinte et le maintien de niveaux élevés de couverture des interventions, et (3) la promotion d’une culture d’utilisation des données; et explore plusieurs nouvelles opportunités prometteuses pour consolider et amplifier les succès des deux dernières décennies.
Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS)
Le paludisme, appelé également malaria, ou « Mal‘aria », ce qui signifie « mauvais air
», est une maladie qui menace 3 milliards de personnes dans 99 pays dans le monde.1
Les personnes les plus vulnérables sont les jeunes enfants et les femmes enceintes,
car c’est parmi cette populatio...n que le risque de décès est le plus élevé.2
Au Bénin, le paludisme représente environ 41% des motifs de recours aux soins et
première cause de consultation, d’hospitalisation et de décès parmi la population en 2012
Each unit builds on the one prior, and they all combine to provide key information for developing an SBCC strategy. It is not essential, however, to work through the I-Kit from start to finish. Users can choose to focus on specific aspects for which they need support in their emergency communication... response. The nine units and corresponding worksheets are outlined in the I-Kit Site Navigator.
Le gouvernement du Sénégal a mis à jour son engagement au Sommet sur la planification familiale à Londres, RoyaumeUni, le 11 juillet 2017.
Le texte qui suit résume l’engagement pris par le Dr Awa Marie Coll-Seck au nom du gouvernement du Sénégal le 11 juillet 2012, lors du Sommet de Londre...s sur la planification familiale.