The purpose of this guide is to offer recommendations for improving the implementation of non‑pharmacological public health measures during the COVID-19 response and compliance with these measures by population groups in situations of vulnerability. This requires determining the main barriers to i...mplementing these measures so that we can identify the groups and territories most affected during the different phases of the pandemic. With this objective in mind––and within the framework of an equity, human rights, and diversity approach––, policies, strategies, and interventions to accompany the implementation and flexibilization of the measures are recommended to ensure that no one is left behind.
Measuring progress towards universal health coverage.
This sixth edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health care expenditure and financing and quality of care across 27 Asia-...Pacific countries and territories. It also provides a series of dashboards to compare performance across countries and territories, and a thematic analysis on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Asia/Pacific health systems.
В этом документе изложена стратегия
Европейского региона ВОЗ в области
реагирования на COVID-19 и ликвидации
его последствий на основе актуальной
глобальной страт...гии ВОЗ в сфере борьбы
с COVID-19 на период с февраля по декабрь 2020 г.
Concentrations of the major greenhouse gases, CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O, continued to increase despite the temporary reduction in emissions in 2020 related to measures taken in response to COVID-19.
2020 was one of the three warmest years on record. The past six years, including 2020, have been the si...x warmest years on record. Temperatures reached 38.0 °C at Verkhoyansk, Russian Federation on 20 June, the highest recorded temperature anywhere north of the Arctic Circle.
The trend in sea-level rise is accelerating. In addition, ocean heat storage and acidification are increasing, diminishing the ocean’s capacity to moderate climate change.
This document is part three in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution. Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs. Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
This document outlines the... next part of the vaccine journey: the steps from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
This article was published on December 10, 2020, and updated on December 16, 2020, at DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034577
Настоящий документ подготовлен в рамках инициативы Международного Партнерства за Права
Человека (МППЧ) и его партнеров из Центральной Азии по мониторингу и докум...ентированию
воздействия на права человека мер, принимаемых правительствами в связи с пандемией Covid-19
в этом регионе. Основное внимание в рамках этой инициативы уделяется защите основных
свобод выражения мнений, ассоциации и собраний; прав на свободу, безопасность и доступ к
правосудию; а также прав уязвимых групп. (COVID-19 and human rigths in Tajikistan)
Настоящий документ был опубликован в рамках инициативы Международного партнерства за
права человека (МППЧ) и его партнеров по мониторингу и документированию воз...ействия на
права человека мер, принимаемых правительствами в ответ на пандемию Covid-19 в Центральной
Азии и других странах бывшего Советского Союза. (the impact of COVID-19 on human rigths in central asia)
Recommendations for health care professionals – the experience from Latvia
Presentations and agenda of the meeting held to update industry on the COVAX Facility and Gavi’s support for cold chain equipment (CCE) for COVID-19 vaccines.