Aktuelle Themen und perspektiven für eine gesundheitsfördernde stadtentwicklungWeltweit nimmt die Urbanisierung zu: Inzwischen lebt mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung in Städten, in Europa sind es deutlich mehr als 70% der Bevölkerung (WHO, 2010a). Aufgrund die...ser Entwicklung hat sich »Urban Health« als neues Forschungsfeld etabliert, in dem der Einfluss der städtischen Umwelt auf die Gesundheit unter-sucht wird (Vlahov & Galea, 2003; Galea & Vlahov, 2005a; Heaton et al., 2010; Braür & Hystad, 2014).
At present at least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. The world faces considerable challenges in terms of eye care, including inequalities in the coverage and qua...lity of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services; a shortage of trained eye care service providers; and poor integration of eye care services into health systems, among others. The World report on vision aims to address these challenges and galvanize action.
Researcher: Sophiko Gogochashvili
Co researchers: Manana Sologashvili, Maka Gogia, Maka Revishvili
Nongovernmental organization "Hepa plus"
Global HIV Strategic Information Working Group
Extra Curricular Life Skills Training Manual For Adolescents 13 to 18 Years of Age
“Protecting Our Peers From HIV Infection”
The Youth Health and Development Programme Government of the Republic of Namibia and UNICEF Programme of Cooperation 1997-2001
November 1999
Almaty, 2016
Authors: Ganina L.Yu., head of epidemiology department, Republican AIDS Center (RAC), Yelizaryeva A. V., epidemiologist, RAC, Kaspirova А. А., head of epidemiology department, Aktobe Oblast AIDS center, IvakinV.Yu., deputy regional director for strategic information, ICA...P, KryukovaV.А., Strategic Information Specialist for Kazakhstan, ICAP, Abishev A. T., acting director general, RAC.
Edited by Saparbekov M. K., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Hygiene Faculty of Medicine – GSPH KazNU n.a. Al-Farabi, Almaty c.
This Teacher’s Guide accompanies the WHO publication Management of wastes from health-care activities . It provides teaching materials and recommendations for a three day training course, designed mainly for managers of health-care establishments, public health professionals and policy makers
An all-hazards tool for hospital administrators and emergency managers.
The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe has developed the Hospital emergency response checklist to assist hospital administrators and emergency managers in responding effectively to the most likely disaster sce...narios. This tool comprises current hospital-based emergency management principles and best practices and integrates priority action required for rapid, effective response to a critical event based on an all-hazards approach
The Guide has been developed to enhance the knowledge capabilities of NDMAs and their local partners. This is accomplished by exposing them to the existing tools and services developed by the international community to facilitate effective disaster response to any scale of disaster (small, medium an...d large) and assist in comprehensive response preparedness
A review of current literature and up date data from the field, April 2015.
This report has been published in part in J Hosp Inf. 2015;90:1-9.
4th edition. A manual for clinics, community health centers and district hospitals
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Early Release Vol. 64 ; 1 May 2015
First report of a demonstration project
Policy and Legal Opportunities for HIV Testing Services and Civil Society Engagement