- Fiches Techniques/ Formation des Formateurs, ECZS et Prestataires
The long-term goal of AIDSFree is to improve the quality and effectiveness of high-impact, evidence-informed HIV and AIDS interventions. This semiannual performance report (SAPR) summarizes AIDSFree's achievements for the period October 1, 2015–March 31, 2016
VADEMECUM | This Vademecum is intended to provide a benchmark for aid workers—whether working in the field or at a strategic level—in particular concerning the formulation and implementation of programmes of prevention or response to humanitarian crises. It is not solely a theoretical document b...ecause, in addition to guiding principles, it also provides concrete examples of how to ensure protection of the rights of people with disabilities, including in terms of humanitarian aid. This Vademecum has been drafted in adherence to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which has been in force since 2006 and which reaffirms the importance of protecting the safety of people with disabilities in dangerous situations.
UNICEF’s support for data collection: the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
Les résultats provisoires du recensement de la population réalisé en 2008 et en particulier celui des personnes handicapées montrent l'étendue des besoins et la nécessité de poursuivre nos actions pour améliorer les conditions de vie de ces personnes au Burundi.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 2
No publication year indicated.
Women and Health Initiative Working Paper No. 1. Women and Health Initiative
Improving maternal health in the context of the sub-Saharan African HIV epidemic requires greater understanding of the relationships between HIV disease and maternal morbidity and mortality, integrated and effective resp...onses by the health system, and a social context which promotes quality care and encourages use of MCH and HIV services. Advancing the proposed research agenda will make an invaluable contribution by generating needed evidence for policy and practice that improves the maternal health of women who are living with HIV, as well as those who are not. Bringing together maternal health and HIV researchers, policy-makers and program implementers to reduce HIV-related maternal morbidity and mortality and improve the HIV response for women represents an opportunity and a challenge.
Lancet Public Health 2018 Published Online September 12, 2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ S2468-2667(18)30138-5
This article describes a Community-Based Participatory Approach (CBPA) for children with intellectual disability in Endosulfan affected areas of Kasaragod district in Kerala state of India. The CBPA strategy evolved from Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and was led by Local Self-Government (LSG)... members. It involves a four-pronged approach encompassing family, community, service centres and LSG, with a focus on income generation activities and creation of employment opportunities. The CBPA model considers the cultural
uniqueness and limited resources in areas where the unscientific and extensive use of pesticides has led to high prevalence of multiple deformities including intellectual disabilities.