La publicación está dirigida al personal de salud, con el fin de fortalecer capacidades de los miembros de la comunidad educativa para la adopción de prácticas saludables que favorezcan la salud respiratoria y la prevención de enfermedades respiratorias. La salud respiratoria tiene un impacto p...ositivo en el desempeño del escolar, ya que permite el buen funcionamiento de otros órganos del cuerpo, por tanto, contribuye a la salud integral del niño y del adolescente. Cuanto más saludable estén las personas, estarán en mejores condiciones para crecer, aprender y desarrollar habilidades y destrezas.
Actualização das orientações provisórias 7 de Junho de 2016
Actualización de las orientaciones provisionales 7 de junio de 2016
Lignes directrices provisoires actualisées 7 juin 2016
The approach is in line with two of the five objectives outlined in the Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP): Strategic Objective 2 – Improve the quality of maternal and newborn care; and Strategic Objective 5 – Count every newborn through measurement, programme-tracking and accountability to genera...te data for decision-making and action.
The paper sets out the specific communication challenge posed by Ebola and why it was so difficult to get to grips with this in the early months of the outbreak. It thendocuments when the health communication response became more useful and explores what that tells us about effective media and commu...nication. Finally, it offers recommendations to ensure that media and communication are used to their full potential during other disease outbreaks and humanitarian crisis
This timely report comes at a decisive moment in history where
we can reshape urban environments and health systems for the
majority of the world’s population that live in cities. Enabling
this transformation are the SDGs, which have reconfigured how
governments and the international community... need to plan and
implement actions to eradicate poverty and inequality, create
inclusive economic growth, preserve the planet and improve
population health. Central to this quest is to create equitable,
healthier cities for sustainable development.
BioMed Central; BMC International Health and Human Rights (2016) 16:20; DOI 10.1186/s12914-016-0094-y
SODIS manual - updated version
The SODIS manual contains detailed information about technical and promotional aspects of the SODIS method.
Former version also available in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Uzbek, Russian
This report is from the National study on living conditions among people
with disabilities carried out in Nepal in 2014-2015. The study was carried
out as a household survey with two-stage stratified sampling, including a screening/listing procedure using the Washington Group on Disability
Statis...tics 6 questions, one Household questionnaire administered to
households with (Case HHs) and without disabled members (Control
HHs), one Individual Case questionnaire administered to individuals who were found to qualify as being disabled in the screening (Case
individuals), and an Individual Control questionnaire administered to
matched non-disabled individuals in the Control HHs (Control individuals). The study covers a range of indicators on level of living, such as socioeconomic indicators, economic activity, income, ownership and infrastructure, health (including reproductive health), access to health information, access to services, education, access to information, social participation, and exposure to discrimination and abuse (see all
questionnaires in Appendix).
arrow country studies
Political developments in Myanmar/Burma prompted the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) in 2013 to undertake a small-scale scoping study to re-evaluate and refine its advocacy strategies for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and to s...trengthen partnerships for advocacy with civil society organisations (CSO) working on SRHR in the country. The study aimed to identify the status of and the potential for SRHR advocacy by CSOs in Central Myanmar/Burma and in Eastern states along the Thai-Myanmar/Burma border, and increase the current knowledge base on SRHR issues, gaps, and challenges.
The information in this report is up-to-date as of June 2016.
The report, which follows a field visit to the country between 28 May and 6 June, also emphasises the need for international organisations to be mindful of the long present efforts of Greek lawyers and NGOs in the field, and recommends... that new initiatives should be targeted and sustainable.
The study collected data on the impact of HIV-related diseases on income, revenues, economic dependency, consumption, education, health, food security, stigma, discrimination, quality of life, and migration. The study also assessed people living with chronic diseases in order to compare the impact o...f living with HIV/AIDS with the impact of living with a chronic disease.
Stigma, discrimination, and socio-economic exclusion continue to affect the rights and socio-economic opportunities of people living with HIV in Myanmar. Households with a family member who has HIV, have lower incomes, fewer assets and lower home-ownership, compared to households that are not affected by HIV. They also have more household debt, and their families pay a higher rate of interest compared to families not affected by HIV.
UNICEF Annual Report Indonesia 2015